Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to our technical session for the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, 2024:
“Improving biosecurity measures to better protect forests”
Alien forest pests and pathogens continue to be spread globally through increased globalization and international trade. When established they can have devastating impacts on native, urban and commercial forests. In
this session we discuss control and management tools to minimise the impacts of non native invasive pests and pathogens, as well as highlight new and emerging risks, and the threats they pose to forest ecosystems. Emerging risks include those where abiotic
factors such as climate change may provide a changing environment conducive to insect and disease outbreaks.
The session includes 15-minute talks and posters; submissions are now open: Abstracts will be accepted until
2 June 2023.
We look forward to receiving your submissions to this session.
Kind regards,
Beccy, Julio, Barbara and
Hervé, session organisers.
Beccy Ganley
Ngâ Râkau Taketake Leader, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Principal Scientist – Plant & Food Research
M: +64-21-2133876
T: +64-7-928-9854
The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited
Postal and Physical Address:
Plant & Food Research
412 No 1 Road, RD2, Te Puke 3182, New Zealand