WoodQC2016, 12th to 17th June 2016
Laval University, in collaboration between Natural Resources Canada and FPInnovations will host this conference that will bring together scientists from around the world to share ideas and innovations in the fields of forest growth and wood quality modelling, and wood supply and value chain network optimisation. A key objective of the conference is to foster international partnerships aimed at improving data acquisition and sharing, modelling methods, model integration and the development of management tools that can ultimately increase the value of the forest resource. In an effort to stimulate collaboration and knowledge transfer across IUFRO divisions, the event will be held collaboratively between Working Parties 3.04.02 – ‘Supply Chain Management’ and 5.01.04 – ‘Wood Quality Modelling’. The conference will be a forum for presenting new technologies and approaches demonstrating how detailed knowledge of wood fibre characteristics is an essential component of efficient wood value chain networks.