Dear IUFRO RG1.09 colleagues,
I hope you started the year in good shape. As We agreed in Sweden last
June, we need to give more visibility to our group during this term.
1) For a start, I have received the attached questionnaire from a EU
project in which they want to collect information (metadata) about
close to nature silviculture in mixed forests. Feel free to fill the
data, even if it is not complete, and send it.
2) If you have any project information or paper or news about mixed
forests or mixed-species plantation you want to share in the RG1.09
IUFRO site/mailing list, please, let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
Andrés Bravo-Oviedo, PhD
RG1.09 coordinator
Dr. Andrés Bravo-Oviedo
Department of Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural Sciences-Spanish National Research Council
Serrano 115 dpdo. 28006 Madrid (ES)
--- piano, piano, si va lontano ---
Dear RG1.09 members and colleagues,
I hope you could come to IUFRO 2024 conference, if so, welcome to Stockhom!
We will have the administrative meeting of our RG1.09 Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed Forests tomorrow Tuesday 25th June at 18:55 in room K13 in the conference venue. We will discuss activities carried out by the group, news and future directions.
Your really welcome to join us.
Kind regards
Dr. Andrés Bravo-Oviedo
IUFRO RG1.09 coordinator
Forest Researcher
Dpt. Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural Sciences - CSIC C/ Serrano 115-bis 28006 Madrid, ES
Adaptive Silviculture & Applied Forest Ecology Lab
Von: Andrés Bravo Oviedo <bravo(a)>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. April 2024 11:22
Dear 1.09.00 colleagues,
This message is just to let you know that the deadline for submitting a manuscript for our special issue in Eur. J. For. Res. entitled "Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global changes" has been extended to July 31st.
This special issue is an outcome of the RG1.05 & R1.09 joint conference celebrated in Brno last year. Papers on complex forest structures dynamics or silviculture, including mixed forests, are also welcome.
Given interest in this topic, the journal editors have decided to make this special section open to manuscript submissions from anyone interested in and conducting research on the topic (the special section is not restricted to scientists who presented at the conference).
When submitting manuscripts to this special section, you will need to use the normal submission process and then indicate that the manuscript belongs to the collection entitled: Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global change (see below screenshot)
Deadline for manuscript submission: July 31, 2024
Journal website:
Special section information:
Please do not hesitate to contact editors: Daniel Soto (daniel.soto(a)<>), Gauthier Ligot gligot(a)<> or Miren del Río (delrio(a)<>) if you have any questions.
We hope you will consider submitting a manuscript to this special section if you have relevant work that would be of interest to the journal's readership.
Best regards,
On behalf of Special Issue editors
Dr. Andrés Bravo Oviedo
Forest Researcher
National Museum of Natural Sciences
Dpt. Biogography and Global Change
✆ +34 913 333 082 ext. 443440
@ bravo(a)<>
✉ C/ Serrano, 115 bis, 28006 Madrid (ES)
[cid:image005.png@01DA90B9.7E487C00]<>[cid:image006.png@01DA90B9.7E487C00]<> [cid:image007.png@01DA90B9.7E487C00] [cid:image008.png@01DA90B9.7E487C00] <>
Coordinator IFURO RG 1.09 Ecology and silviculture of mixed forests (<>)
Reviews Editor at European Journal of Forest Research<>
Online Symposium: Legacy of the Tropical Forest Foundation 19 Jan 2023
The International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) and the International Forestry Working Group of the Society of American Foresters (IFWG-SAF) are offering the online symposium “Legacy of the Tropical Forest Foundation” on Friday 19 January 2023 for 2.5 hours, at 7-930am Seattle, 10am-1230pm Washington DC, 10pm-1230am Jakarta.
The Tropical Forest Foundation was active from 1990 to 2015, with independent branches in Brazil, Indonesia, and Guyana, South America, continuing today. The TFF was a unique forum that engaged industry, conservation and researchers in productive dialogue about tropical forestry. The TFF had much impact by developing techniques and demonstration projects for low impact logging for the tropics, and the influence of the TFF continues today.
Symposium information is posted at…. Find your time zone at Register for the session at . Questions? Contact tropicalforesters(a)<>
More information on the Tropical Forest Foundation at…
Symposium schedule:
a. Introduction to ISTF and IFWG-SAF. Sheila Ward, ISTF (2 min)
b. Intro to Symposium and speakers. Mike Sterner, ISTF (5 min)
c. History of the Tropical Forest Foundation. Keister Evans, Forest Carbon Offsets, LCC. USA. (10 min)
d. Development and Implementation of Reduced Impact Logging by the Tropical Forest Foundation. Jim Bowyer, University of Minnesota, USA (10 min)
e. Collaboration for the Tropical Forest Foundation: Education, research, and outreach. A. L. (Tom) Hammett, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA (15 min)
f. Some Lessons Learned from Johan Zweede, Art Klassen, and the Rest of TFF. Jack Putz, University of Florida, USA (15 min)
h. TFF: Reduced Impact, Improved Income & Better Market Credibility. Hasbie HASBILLAH, Tropical Forest Foundation-Indonesia (15 min)
i. Open Discussion (Moderators Sterner / Ward – 50 min)
SEMINARIO VIRTUAL: Utilizando la plataforma Restor para su proyecto de restauración 10 de abril 2022
SEMINARIO VIRTUAL: Utilizando la plataforma Restor para su proyecto de restauración 10 de abril 2022
Corra la voz sobre su proyecto de restauración para conectarse con colaboradores, financiadores e información geo-relevante. La plataforma Restor ( puede ayudarlo con las tres funciones. Al incluir sus proyectos de restauración en esta plataforma, los miembros de la Sociedad Internacional de Forestales Tropicales (ISTF por sus siglas en inglés) y otros ganarán visibilidad de posibles colaboradores, así como de financiadores. Podrán explorar datos ecológicos específicos del sitio para la planificación y el monitoreo de sus proyectos. Restor, ISTF y Terraformation se están uniendo para ofrecer un webinar de capacitación (mismo contenido) en 4 ocasiones para diferentes regiones sobre cómo cargar su proyecto de restauración en la plataforma Restor.
Lunes 10 de abr de 2023 - America Latina (español) 23:00 GMT, 19:00 Puerto Rico, 20:00 este de Brasil, 16:00 oeste de México. Registrase en
Para mas informacion:…
Saludo cordial,
Sheila Ward
Oficial Ejecutiva
Sociedad Internacional de Silvicultores (Forestales) Tropicales
Dear IUFRO Units:
I am hoping that you can approve the announcement below for your IUFRO unit
about webinars on how to use the Restor Platform for restoration projects.
Please note that the webinar for Africa/Europe is set for 3 April 2023.
Thank you,
Sheila Ward
Executive Officer
International Society of Tropical Foresters-Global
[image: Logo Restor webinar.jpg]
WEBINARS on using the Restor platform for your restoration project
You need to get the word out on your restoration project to connect with
collaborators, funders, and geo-relevant information. The Restor platform
can help you with all three functions. By listing their restoration
projects on the platform, ISTF members will gain visibility to both
potential collaborators and funders. They will be able to explore
site-specific ecological data for planning and monitoring of their
projects. Restor, the International Society of Tropical Foresters, and
Terraformation are teaming up to offer a training webinar (same content) on
4 occasions for different regions on how to load your restoration project
on the Restor platform. Dates and times (find your time zone at
• Monday 3 Apr 2023 - Africa / Europe: 16:00 GMT, 12:00 Puerto Rico, 16:00
Senegal, 17:00 London, 19:00 Ethiopia REGISTER AT
• Lunes 10 de abr de 2023 - America Latina (español) 23:00 GMT, 19:00
Puerto Rico, 20:00 este de Brasil, 16:00 oeste de México. Registrase en
• Monday 17 Apr 2023 - North America: 23:00 GMT, 19:00 Puerto Rico, 19:00
New York, 16:00 Seattle, 13:00 Hawaii REGISTER AT
• Monday 24 Apr 2023 - Asia-Pacific: 08:00 GMT, 04:00 Puerto Rico, 13:00
Pakistan, 15:00 Jakarta, 20:00 Fiji REGISTER AT
You can register for any session, regardless of your region.
To do ahead:
We ask all those who register to participate, to visit the RESTOR platform
at and create an account at BEFORE the
session you will attend. Also familiarize yourselves with the website. This
will allow us to devote the maximum time to helping you put your
restoration project on the platform.
NOTE: Please have a mouse available to use for the webinar practice
session. It is much easier to navigate the Restor platform with a mouse.
More information at…
Sheila Ward
Executive Officer
International Society of Tropical Foresters-Global
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to share with you the 2nd Announcement for the 1.05 and 1.09 Conference, 18-20 September 2023 in Brno, Czech Republic.
Conference website:
Registration is now open:
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April 2023
Meeting details are below and in the attached flyer. We hope to see you in Brno in September!
On behalf of the Planning Committee,
Linda Nagel, United States, 1.05 Coordinator
Tomáš Vrška, Czech Republic, Conference Host
2nd Announcement IUFRO 1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture & 1.09 Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed Forests Conference
Meeting Title: Uneven-aged Silviculture: Insights into Forest Adaptation in Times of Global Change
18 September - 20 September 2023, Brno, Czech Republic
Further information:
- What are the challenges of uneven-aged silviculture to forest adaption under climate change for sustainable wood production and biodiversity?
- Quantifying species and spatial structure changes related to climate change.
- Ecosystem services of uneven-aged/mixed species silviculture in the light of changing social needs.
- Dynamics of uneven-aged and/ or mixed forests under climate change.
In-conference excursion:
- Transformation of even-aged forests to uneven-aged forests after 50 years (1973-2023) - the rate of change of tree species composition under climate change (presentation of 50 years data set and practice in the field).
- Beech silviculture - from even-aged stands to value increment silviculture. Is it the best way to compare production and the social order?
- Long-term transformation of even-aged stands to Dauerwald - which Dauerwald models are optimal for the future? Presentation of spruce-beech-silver fir-maple model and oak-hornbeam-scots pine model.
Post-conference field trip
21 September - 23 September 2023
- 100 years celebration of Mendel University Forest Enterprise - "Silviculture for climate change and society "- presentation of diversified uneven-aged, multi-aged silvicultural models and training stands for students and foresters in practice.
- Kinský estate Žďár n. Sázavou - Conversion of spruce even-aged stands into multi-aged mixed stands - experiences after 28 years; what knowledge from natural forest dynamics can we use in the uneven-aged forestry - presentation and field walk through natural forest Žákova hora on the Kinský estate.
- Transformation of even-aged scots pine stands into the mixed oak-dominated forests in the buffer zone of Podyji National Park; restoration management for biodiversity support. Evening in the local winery.
Linda Nagel
Dean & Professor | S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources
Utah State University | Logan, UT 84322
Office: (435) 797-1491 | linda.nagel(a)<>
*ISTF session** proposals for IUFRO 2024*
With collaborators, the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF)
is developing session proposals for the XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024 –
Forests and Society towards 2050, to be held 23-29 June 2024 in Stockholm,
Sweden. . The deadline for session
submissions is 13 Oct 2022. If you would like to make a presentation in any
of the sessions below, (you do not need to be 100% sure of attending),
please send the session of interest, and your name, affiliation, country, and
draft title to tropicalforesters(a) by 11 Oct 2022. The draft
proposals (still under development) for all these sessions can be obtained
updated proposals will be posted periodically until submission. Suggestions
on the draft proposals are welcome, as well as new co-organizers.
*Sessions to be proposed:*
*Smart Agroforestry Practices for Sustainable Livelihood** (Division 1)*
*Urban trees & green landscapes: Monitoring and management for providing
multiple services** (Division 6) *
*Legacy of the Tropical Timber Foundation and sustainable forestry**
(Division 3)*
*Tropical forest restoration success and how to achieve it** (Division 3)*
*Tropical forestry education: Improving preparation for a challenging
future** (Division 6)*
*Legacy tropical forest data: current status, uses, and securing them**
(Division 4)*
*Research advances towards sustainability for the high-value Meliaceae**
(Division 1) *
*Ecology and management of old growth forests** (Division 8)*
Dear Colleagues,
The IUFRO mailing lists will be offline due to technical maintenance, starting later this (Monday) afternoon (in approximately 3 hours) for approximately 24 hours.
During that period, you are kindly required not to post to any of the lists that you are subscribed to. Once the lists are online again, you will be notified.
We are sorry for any incovenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Best regards
Brigitte Burger
[cid:image002.png@01D7A317.66DACE70]<;!!HXCxUKc!lrHtP…>Mark your calendar: #IUFROWorldDay on 28 and 29 September
Register now for our upcoming global event!
Mag. Brigitte Burger - Web Management and Social Media; Network Communication
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-14 * Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website:<> * Email: burger(a)<>
Dear all:
We have formed a new coordination team for the IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 on Resource Data in the Tropics. The focus of the Working Party will be on legacy tropical forest data sets: finding them, getting them and their metadata archived in an up-to-date digital format, and getting these data available for use, with appropriate protocols and credit to the sources of the data.
We invite you to join our email list at <> , where we discuss issues related to these datasets.
Sheila Ward
Coordinator IUFRO 4.02.01
Invitation to join the email list for IUFRO 4.02.01 Resource Data in the Tropics
Dear all:
We have formed a new coordination team for the IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 on Resource Data in the Tropics. The focus of the Working Party will be on legacy tropical forest data sets: finding them, getting them and their metadata archived in an up-to-date digital format, and getting these data available for use, with appropriate protocols and credit to the sources of the data. We invite you to join our email list at <> , where we discuss issues related to these datasets.
Please contact tropfordata(a) with any questions or comments.
Sheila Ward
Coordinator IUFRO 4.02.01