Von: Gauthier Ligot <gligot@uliege.be>
Gesendet: Montag, 15. April 2024 13:30
Betreff: Opportunity to Publish in the European Journal of Forest Research
Dear colleagues,
This message is just to let you know that the deadline for submitting your manuscript for our special issue in Eur. J. For. Res. entitled "Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global changes" has been
extended to July 31st.
As mentioned earlier, given the interest in this topic, the journal editors have decided to make this special section open to manuscript submissions from anyone interested in and conducting research on the topic (the special section is not restricted
to scientists who presented at the conference).
When submitting manuscripts to this special section, you will need to use the normal submission process and then indicate that the manuscript belongs to the collection entitled: Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global change.
A screenshot of this drop-down menu is attached.
Deadline for manuscript submission: July 31, 2024
Journal website: https://www.springer.com/journal/10342
Special section information:
Please do not hesitate to contact me or Daniel Soto (in copy) if you have any questions.
We hope you will consider submitting a manuscript to this special section if you have relevant work that would be of interest to the journal's readership.
Best regards,
Gauthier Ligot
Gauthier LIGOT
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, ULiège
2, passage des déportés
5030 Gembloux (Belgium)
TEL: +3281622320
Top 3 last papers:
Ligot et al. 2023 From forest dynamics model to bark-stripping damage assessment, European Forest Research Journal
Ligot et al. 2022 Tree growth and mortality of 42 species, Forest Ecology and Management
Ligot et al. 2020 Coniferous sapling growth model, Forestry hdl.handle.net/2268/242921