Welcome to the III World Biodiversity Congress, October 26-29, 2015, Mecavnik- Mokra Gora, Serbia


Dear Colleagues,

                            The conservation of biodiversity represents a crucial challenge for the future. Protecting our Natural Capital ie Biodiversity is a contribution to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to halt the dramatic loss of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. The steady growth in importance of WBC has made it our mission to maintain or even increase the excellence of this congress. To achieve this goal the Committee will prepare a series of Keynote lectures, symposia, Workshops and meet-the-expert sessions on parallel tracks covering the entire field of Biodiversity. The scheduled congress is organized by Global Scientific Research FoundationBangalore, India in association with the Institute for Nature Conservation Of Serbia.

                             On behalf of the Congress Secretariat, It is my great pleasure to invite you to the III World Biodiversity Congress, October 26-29, 2015, taking place in Mecavnik- Mokra Gora, Serbia. The theme for the Congress is “Integrated Conservation Strategies for Threatened Biodiversity and Geodiversity for Global Sustenance”, as encapsulated by the vision and mission of GSRF. It will provide a scientific platform for scientists, natural resource managers, and environmental consultants to planners, environmental advocates, and corporate and public policy makers  across the globe at a gathering that offers us the opportunity to step beyond our regular networks and meet colleagues from around the world  to exchange knowledge, discuss issues, share innovations, and network and  tackle urgent and emerging international conservation needs through science and collaboration.

                         WBC 2015 in Serbia will provide the perfect environment in which to not only stretch yourself intellectually, but to develop as an academics and extend the networks that will support you in your future career and research ventures. Serbia has a strong scientific research tradition in the area of natural sciences. Protection of rare and endangered species, as well as their habitats, is essential for stopping the decline in Serbia’s biodiversity, as a country has a potential of becoming a global biodiversity centre.

                       Apart from an interesting and stimulating Biodiversity Photo Contest and program, there will of course be time to explore the beautiful Town of Mokra Gora in Serbia. I welcome you to the congress and take advantage of the opportunity to visit Serbia with an exclusive 500 Euros Conference Package including Registration, Accommodation, Food and Technical Tour and experience the wonderful Biodiversity and Hospitality of this beautiful country.

 Warm Regards,

Dr Anita M


III World Biodiversity Congress, 2015, Serbia 
