Dear Division 9 colleagues,

it is only a few weeks until we will  meet in Freiburg at the IUFRO congress (Sep 18 - Sep. 22). It is remarkable that 30 sessions are organized from and within Division 9. This allows us to get many insights about the state of the art of diverse issues in the area of forest policy and economics and to have a continued discussion throughout the whole week. Great thanks to all of you who have organized sessions and agreed to participate as speakers and poster presenters.  

As announced in an earlier email, Division 9 will also have an All Division 9 meeting to discuss internal issues, organizational matters and in particular opportunities and needs for the future. This All Division 9 meeting will take place on Tuesday (September 19th) night from 20:00 to 21:45 at the University Building (KG I room 1015 – no worries there is support to find rooms). Please remember date and time as the Division meeting might not appear in the programme. It would be great to welcome as many from the research groups and working parties as possible. The meeting is not only open for officeholders but as well for other members and researchers interested in the work of Division 9.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows (including flexibilities) In the following you will find the draft agenda for the meeting

20:00 – 20:15 Getting together

20:15 – 20:30 Welcome, activity report (Division coordinator)

20:30 – 21:15 Introducing and state of the art of research groups (incl. working parties) (coordinators of research groups)

21:15 – 21:40 Future Developments: Changes in groups, new groups, closure of groups, replacing officeholder, communication (All)

21:40 – 21:45 Concluding remarks and good bye (Division coordinator)

We are looking forward to meet you all in Freiburg soon.

With best regards

Daniela Kleinschmit, Mercy Derkyi & Jurij Begus

Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/
Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy

University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D- 79106 Freiburg

Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3712
Secretariat: +49 (0) 761/203-3713