Dear Colleagues,

The IUFRO Communications and Public Relations Working Party and Embrapa colleagues from Brazil are co-organizing a session at the 2019 XXV International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil from 29 September to 5 October 2019.  Abstracts are due December 31, 2018.


To submit an abstract, find the link at Call for Abstracts. Oral presentations and posters are included in the call. Consider sharing  emerging and innovative approaches such as role-playing exercises, interactions involving computer simulation, co-generation of research, trade-off scenarios, and other complex communications efforts. Both scientists and communication professionals are encouraged to submit to this session.


The session is  titled “Delivering and communicating forest science for people and a greener future” and its description follows:


It is not just what you say, but how you say it and who you say it to. The rigor of science and the underlying data can be appreciated by other scientists; but the general public want to know why they should care and decision makers want to know what the data means and how they should interpret your findings. This means going beyond a peer-reviewed publication. It means translating and disseminating your research directly to your audience. This session will explore unique and innovative approaches used by scientists to deliver and communicate their research to the public and decision makers. Have you created a podcast, a video or other tool to tell the story of your science? What have you learned from your approach? Do you host webinars to help others understand your research? What tips do you have for successful online dialogue? Have you created an infographic to help simplify your research for a non-scientific audience? Do you feel it was effective? Have you tried a virtual tour of a field research site or virtual technology transfer? Were the stakeholders satisfied, could virtual tools be a substitute for field tours? How did you determine which approach to use and how do you evaluate your success in using these approaches? Would you recommend this approach to other scientists? Through a series of presentations and posters, we will discuss approaches used by scientists to share their research and what they have learned through that process. This session also seeks to demo effective tools or techniques being developed by IUFRO members to help communicate the importance of forest science. We hope this session will promote discussion and exchange of experiences related to the dissemination of forest research.


There are many other topics (almost 200 technical sessions) that also might suit your interests. Find the call for abstracts, brief description of the technical sessions, and registration at: Authors are limited to a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author.


You need to register to be able to submit an abstract (no payment due at this time). The deadline for abstract submission is 31 December 2018. Once your abstract is accepted for presentation (announcement will be made on 28 February 2019), early registration for presenter and payment deadline is 31 May 2019.


There is also Scientist Assistance Program (SAP) for supporting scientists from economically disadvantaged countries whose age is below 46 years old. SAP registration will begin 1 March 2019. Full information on this scholarship can be found here: 


Please feel free to share this information to your colleagues.  We hope you will submit an abstract and share your work at the upcoming IUFRO World Congress.


Kind regards,




Cynthia Miner


IUFRO Working Party, Communications and Public Relations


Assistant Station Director

Communications and Applications

Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station

p: 503-808-2135 
f: 503-808-2130

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Portland, OR 97204
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