Request for Presentation Proposals   DUE: 4 APRIL 2016  


Joint Forest Communicators Meeting

WHEN:    29 August to 01 September 2016

WHERE:     Portland, Oregon, USA

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:     Forest communication practitioners and researchers


THEMES: The meeting will address major challenges and opportunities for forest communication, including presentations from members of each network and other experts. Meeting themes include:


WHAT TO PRESENT:   Academic research, case studies, business examples and more!  Oral presentations only (no posters).

All presentations must be delivered in English.


HOW TO SUBMIT:     Complete the template on the attachment and then email your proposal to Cynthia Miner ( or Ingwald Gschwandtl (


See attached proposal template.


Thank you.


Forest Service Shield

Cindy Miner
Assistant Station Director

Communications and Applications

Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station

p: 503-808-2135
c: 503-701-4054
f: 503-808-2130

1220 SW 3rd Ave., Suite 1400
Portland, OR 97204
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Caring for the land and serving people



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