
Historical Landscape Ecology

– Challenges for the twenty-first century


One-day on-line seminar: Tuesday, 9 November 2021 from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (UK Wintertime)

Hosted by the Biodiversity Research Group & IALE Historical Landscape Ecology Working Group and supported by IUFRO 9.03


CALL FOR PAPERS, SUPPORT & CONTRIBUTIONS to the event and also to the subsequent book


Details and bookings:



We also have two on-line conferences through which we are able to promote the IUFRO Group activities: 


Rewilding, Regenerating and Re-naturing the land and the soil - UKEconet-Wildtrack Publishing




Rewilding Body and Mind 2021 - UKEconet-Wildtrack Publishing


Both will have updated materials shortly. Do join us and support the events please. I hope you are all well during these difficult times! 



Ian Rotherham