---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------

From: Steven Anderson <steven.anderson@duke.edu>
To: Daniela Kleinschmit <daniela.kleinschmit@slu.se>, "mauro.agnoletti@unifi.it" <mauro.agnoletti@unifi.it>, "elis.johann@utanet.at" <elis.johann@utanet.at>, "Parrotta, John -FS" <jparrotta@fs.fed.us>
Cc: "div9@lists.iufro.org" <div9@lists.iufro.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:38:37 +0000
Subject: Travel Award to the SAF National Convention

Daniela and all,

Please find attached an announcement for the Gregory Award that will provide $1,800 support to a student or professional outside of the U.S. and Canada to attend the national convention of the Society of American Foresters.   The SAF National Convention is scheduled for October 22 -27, 2013 in Charleston, South Carolina.  http://www.xcdsystem.com/saf/site13/ 

Can you please forward this on to Division 9 and have it posted wherever appropriate?




Steven Anderson, President

Forest History Society (CFC #10138)

701 Wm. Vickers Ave.

Durham, NC  27701

Phone: 919-682-9319

FAX:  919-682-2349

