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On behalf of Lukas Giessen, please find below the latest publication alert by Forest Policy and Economics!


Please note that several articles are co-authored by IUFRO officeholders.




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Brigitte Burger


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Forest Policy and Economics

Forest Policy and Economics
Volume 68 ,  Pages 1-122, July 2016

Forest Policy Analysis: Advancing the analytical approach
Edited by Daniela Kleinschmit, Michael Böcher and Lukas Giessen




Editorial Board   
Pages IFC




Forest Policy Analysis: Advancing the analytical approach   Review Article
Pages 1-6
Daniela Kleinschmit, Michael Böcher, Lukas Giessen


  Media discourse analyses in forest policy


Framing forest conservation in the global media: An interest-based approach   Original Research Article
Pages 7-15
Mi Sun Park, Daniela Kleinschmit


Forest in crisis: 2 decades of media discourse analysis of Bangladesh print media   Original Research Article
Pages 16-21
Md. Nazmus Sadath, Sabrina Rahman


The role of scientists in forest fire media discourse and its potential influence for policy-agenda setting in Indonesia   Original Research Article
Pages 22-29
Meti Ekayani, Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dudung Darusman


  Nexus between international and national forest policies


Network analysis and actor-centred approach — A critical review   Original Research Article
Pages 30-38
Peter K. Aurenhammer


Foreign donors driving policy change in recipient countries: Three decades of development aid towards community-based forest policy in Bangladesh   Original Research Article
Pages 39-53
Md Saifur Rahman, Md. Nazmus Sadath, Lukas Giessen


Contesting national and international forest regimes: Case of timber legality certification for community forests in Central Java, Indonesia   Original Research Article
Pages 54-64
Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Arya Hadi Dharmawan, Krystof Obidzinski, Ahmad Dermawan, James Thomas Erbaugh


  Knowledge and information transfer in forest-related policies


How does science-based policy advice matter in policy making? The RIU model as a framework for analyzing and explaining processes of scientific knowledge transfer   Original Research Article
Pages 65-72
Michael Böcher


Managing information in forest policy networks: Distinguishing the influential actors from the “postmen”   Original Research Article
Pages 73-80
Nikolaos D. Hasanagas


  Power studies in forest policy


Comparing community forestry actors in Cameroon, Indonesia, Namibia, Nepal and Germany   Original Research Article
Pages 81-87
Carsten Schusser, Max Krott, Mbolo C. Yufanyi Movuh, Jacqueline Logmani, Rosan R. Devkota, Ahmad Maryudi, Manjola Salla


Factors of political power — The example of forest owners associations in Slovakia   Original Research Article
Pages 88-98
Jaroslav Šálka, Zuzana Dobšinská, Zuzana Hricová


  Forest policy instruments


Choosing timber legality verification as a policy instrument to combat illegal logging in Indonesia   Original Research Article
Pages 99-104
Ahmad Maryudi


  Methodological innovations in scientific forest policy research


Assessing survey-based research in forest science: Turning lemons into lemonade?   Original Research Article
Pages 105-117
Mirjana Stevanov, Zuzana Dobšinska, Peter Surový


Reprint of “Theory in (forest) history — A success story?”   Original Research Article
Pages 118-122
Peter-M. Steinsiek


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