Dear officeholders and colleagues of Division 9,
many of you
might be already on the way to the IUFRO World Congress in
Curitibia. That is the
one rare opportunities where we can
meet across all research groups and working parties of
Division 9.With this email I take the chance to invite all of
you two three different events: the all Division 9 meeting,
the mentoring meet and great and the Division 9 presentation
at the IUFRO booth. Please find below further details:
The All Division 9 meeting will take place in the end of the week of the IUFRO Congress, on Friday October 4 from 17:30 till 19:30 in Room R15 Wing 2. I would like to invite all of you being officeholders or member of Division 9 units and those interested in becoming more active in Division 9 in the future.
We do have the following agenda for the meeting:
For those of you being officeholders I would like to ask you to further develop your ideas about the future of your group (structure and plans for activities) during the congress as we have to finalize the structure and the strategy for the next term by the end of the congress.
I would like to additionally invite you for your active participation in to two different events allowing us to come in contact with scientists that might be interested in the work of Division 9 and will be further engaged:
Tuesday, October 1st between 12 and 14:30 at the Open Space Hall in the Postgrad Building: Meet and great with Mentees, young researchers and possible new and active member of our research units. Would be great if many research groups and working parties are represented and take the chance to get in a relaxed atmosphere connected with new faces.
Friday, October 4, between 12 and 14 at the IUFRO booth we will have a lot to present Division 9 for all those interested. It would be great to see here as well some familiar faces and officeholders to make Division 9 visible at the congress and offer a chance to chat with participants.
I am looking forward to see you very soon,
-- Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/ Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy University of Freiburg Tennenbacherstr. 4 D- 79106 Freiburg Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3712 Secretariat: +49 (0) 761/203-3713