This email concerns the Nordic – Baltic countries
Dear colleagues
The Nordic Network on Forest Policy Sciences is organizing sessions at the NESS conference in Copenhagen 11-13 June 2013 and call for papers and application for stipends (please find details below).
The NESS conference ( Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2013 “Welcome to the Anthropocene”) is held every two years and brings together researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
As part of the NESS conference with a specific focus on forest policy – Working Group 8 – Forest policy in transition.
The socio-political demands for forests to provide benefits to society are ever-changing, at an ever- increasing speed. The increasing demand for wood supply for material and bioenergy use, the conservation of forests
to foster biodiversity and the carbon sequestration function of forest for climate change mitigation are only a few of these partly conflicting demands. On top of this many of the forest areas in Scandinavia are predominantly privately owned. This creates
a need for innovative modes of governance that on the one hand support forestry as units of production and income generation for private owners and, on the other hand, motivate these same owners to provide the other material and immaterial services demanded
by society.
With this working group, we welcome papers focusing on the changing role of forests in society, the ever-changing patterns of governance aimed to enhance the provisions of services from forests to society, the perceptions
and sense-making of forest owners, and the interaction among different stakeholders in the co-production of modern forestry.
Based on these sessions, selected papers will be published in a special issue on forest policy in an international peer-reviewed journal.
The organizing committee of these sessions - Working Group 8 – Forest policy in transition are pleased to announce 10 stipends of € 1 100 each
towards travel, accommodation and conference fees at the 2013 NESS conference.
5 stipends are available to PhD students; and
5 stipends are available to researchers from the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia)
These stipends have been made possible through a grant from the Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee (SNS).
In order to submit your abstract (and apply for a stipend), please:
Abstracts must conform to the theme of Working Group 8 (see above).
Submit an abstract for consideration to Working Group 8 – Forest policy in transition not later than March 15 at the NESS hompage
Mark “Forest policy in transition” in the online application system.
If applying for a stipend, email a copy to
indicating whether you are a PhD student or a researcher from a Baltic State in both submissions.
Abstracts will be reviewed and ranked by the organizing committee against set criteria.
Notification of stipend award will take place before the early registration deadline of 2013/04/15.
With best regards
On behalf of the organizers,
Daniela Kleinschmit
P.S: Please spread this news to those who might be interested
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Professor
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Unit of Forest Policy
PO Box 7008, SE-75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Vallvägen 9C
Phone: +46 18 672493
Mobile: +46 72 5867588,