Dear IUFRO Division9 and Division6 colleagues,

we are happy to announce the release of a special issue of Forest Policy and Economics on "assessing forest governance", which came out of the IUFRO all-Div 9 meeting in 2012.

Please find attached  the introductory article , in which we i) define forest governance and related research, ii) identify different ways of assessing forest governance and iii)
introduce all contributiond to the special issue with active links.

For content please see below or .

Kindly forward this email to interested colleagues.

Best wishes and enjoy the christmas season!

Lukas Giessen and Gerard Buttoud


* Forest Policy and Economics
Volume 49, Pages 1-72, December 2014

Special Issue: Assessing forest governance - analytical concepts and their application

Edited by Lukas Giessen and Gérard Buttoud


1) Editorial Board
Pages IFC

Overview and introduction

2) Defining and assessing forest governance
Pages 1-3
Lukas Giessen, Gerard Buttoud

Review Articles
3) A practice based approach to forest governance
Review Article,
Pages 4-11
Bas Arts, Jelle Behagel, Esther Turnhout, Jessica de Koning, Séverine van Bommel 

4) Learning from pr
actices — implications of the “practice based approach” for forest and environmental policy research
Review Article,
Pages 12-16
Max Krott, Lukas Giessen

Research Papers
5) Assessing forest governance from a ‘Triple G’ perspective: Government, governance, governmentality⁎⁎This article belongs to the Special Issue:Assessing Forest Governance.
Original Research Article,
Pages 17-22
Bas Arts

6) Governing the design of national REDD +: An analysis of the power of agency
Original Research Article,
Pages 23-33
Maria Brockhaus, Monica Di Gregorio, Sofi Mardiah

7) Actor-centred power: The driving force in decentralised community based forest governance
Original Research Article,
Pages 34-42
Max Krott, Axel Bader, Carsten Schusser, Rosan Devkota, Ahmad Maryudi, Lukas Giessen, Helene Aurenhammer

8) New modes of governance in Bavaria's alpine forests: The ‘Mountain Forest Initiative’ at work
Original Research Article,
Pages 43-50
Kathrin Böhling, Monika B. Arzberger

9) The process of forest management plans preparation in the Republic of Macedonia: Does it comprise governance principles of participation, transparency and accountability?
Original Research Article,
Pages 51-56
M. Stojanovska, M. Miovska, J. Jovanovska, V. Stojanovski 

10) Why and how to measure forest governance at local level: A set of indicators
Original Research Article,
Pages 57-71
Laura Secco, Riccardo Da Re, Davide Matteo Pettenella, Paola Gatto