We look forward to seeing you soon in Portland!


Presenters, please review the attached agenda. Email me any corrections to your presentation title or your name. Please send your presentation file to Becky Bittner at bbittner@fs.fed.us  by 24 August.


If you have not registered and paid for the conference activities, you must do so by 23 August.



You are encouraged to bring a laptop for participating in hands-on demonstrations. Wi-Fi is available at the hotel. If you are going on the field trip, bring walking shoes and a light jacket.  The Portland weather forecast is sunshine with temperatures in the low to mid 80s during the day, 60 degrees in the evening. Temperatures are cooler on Mount Saint Helens.


One logistical note:  some construction is occurring on our transit system.  Attached are options for travel to the hotel, reception Monday and dinner on Tuesday.


Over 50 people from all over the world have registered! The topics addressed will be very informative.  We should have a wonderful few days together!


Kind Regards,


Cindy Miner

Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party for Communications & Public Relations

Assistant Station Director for Communications and Applications

Forest Service – Pacific Northwest Research Station

p: 503-808-2135

c: 503-701-4054



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