Dear all,

The call for abstracts for session 160 “Wood based fuels for transports - conditions for their market entry and impacts on the wood-using sector and climate change mitigation” in IUFRO2017 conference in Freiburg (19-22.9.2017) is now open in the Congress segment: All Division 9 (Forest Policy and Economics). The more detailed description of the session is given in the end of this message.

Please consider submitting an abstract! For that, go to The deadline for submission is 30 November.

We are looking forward to your possible contribution to the session and meeting you next year in Freiburg! 


Best wishes,

Maarit Kallio, Natural Resources Institute Finland (

Gregory Latta, University of Idaho

Hanne Sjølie, Norwegian University of Life Sciences


Coordinators of the group IUFRO 9.02.00 Forest sector analysis



Session description


Constraining climatic warming to 2 C calls for drastic actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The required shift to low carbon regime poses significant challenges in all frontiers, but in particular in the transportation sector. Transporting goods and people produces globally 14 % of the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. In the EU, their share is even higher, one fourth. Despite increased electrification taking place in the road and rail transports, fueling part of the vehicle fleet, vessels and airplanes with biofuels seems to be necessary. Technologies for producing second generation liquid biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass are advancing and it is likely that increasing amount of the fuels used in transportation will be produced from woody raw materials like forest chips and round wood on the side of other biomass sources.


The session aims at presenting research results focusing on the questions like, under which conditions will the wood based liquid biofuels become important part of the forest sector’s production palette and what are the likely consequences of the market penetration of wood-based liquid biofuels on other wood-using sectors (forest industries and heat and power production), on wood markets or on forestry. Furthermore, assessing the resulting contribution of liquid wood-based fuels to climate change mitigation is of crucial importance.


Contributions providing quantitative assessment for these questions globally or regionally are welcomed. Sectoral modeling approaches are preferred but not required.