---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Rik De Vreese | BOS+" <
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 20:03:05 +0000


Subject: Invitation 'Passion for Nature conference - Integrated Governance: mainstreaming opportunities for Nature & Society' - Lommel (Belgium) October 12-14 2016


Dear colleague,


Please find below an invitation for an interesting conference coming soon in Belgium on Nature Governance and Integrated Sustainable Territorial Development.


This conference includes a High Level Tribute to the Bosland Bottom-up Integrated Partnership with High Level Representatives from the European Commission and the Flemish Minister of Nature.


You are also invited to present your work or organisation at the Knowledge Market on Wednesday evening 12th of October.


Please read further below or directly at this link.


The conference is very affordable (110 EUR for 3 days, accommodation in the CenterParcs Hotel 269 EUR for 3 nights (1 or 2 persons) or 419 EUR for 3 nights in a cottage (4 persons).


There will be a shuttle from Eindhoven airport (in the Netherlands) and Hasselt Railway station (connections to Brussels Airport and Brussels main highspeed stations).


Please apologise for cross-posting.


Met vriendelijke groeten, Best Regards,




Ik werk op dinsdag, woensdagvoormiddag en donderdag. I'm available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (AM) and Thursdays

Rik De Vreese

Projectcoördinator BOS+

Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267 - 9090 Gontrode - Belgium

Tel: ++32 (0)9 264 90 54 – Mob ++32 (0)485 36 00 78





Invitation to participate

Passion for Nature – Integrated Governance: Mainstreaming Opportunities for Nature & Society

Lommel, Belgium, 12 to 14 October 2016


Dear Sir/Madam,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a major European conference, “Passion for Nature – Integrated Governance: Mainstreaming Opportunities for Nature & Society”.

Linked with the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, this landmark event marks the tenth anniversary of the Bosland Partnership. This partnership consists of the municipalities of Hechtel-Eksel, Overpelt, and Lommel, the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest, Regionaal Landschap Lage Kempen, and Limburg Tourism. Since its establishment, the partnership has maintained and enhanced core traditional forestry-related activities (timber, wood and biomass production), while successfully developing a wide range of innovative approaches with significant social and scientific benefits. Bosland is a true example of successful multifunctional territorial development and integrated nature governance.

This Conference creates a European-level platform to network with colleagues from around our beautiful continent. Together, participants will have the opportunity to discuss priorities and integrated governance approaches, important not only for nature and Natura 2000 specifically, but also for human health, economic development, job creation, climate adaptation and mitigation, water management, tourism, and many more human dimensions. Working with people’s “Passion for Nature” enables us to position biodiversity, nature and ecosystem services as essential pillars for greening economies, as well as for innovation. To foster the sharing of passion we also invite you to bring along successful projects and innovative ideas to share with others at our Knowledge Market.    

The conference provides an important opportunity to compare approaches that can further increase benefits for both nature and society at a European level. For more information, please find a preliminary draft programme here. You can also visit the conference web page here and register by clicking here.

We would be delighted if you would accept this invitation to participate. We look forward to addressing future challenges together and realising new joint opportunities of truly integrated and sustainable regional development in sites across Europe.

Yours sincerely,

The Bosland partnership


Supported by:




Organised by:


Bosland is a statutory partnership between the municipalities of Hechtel-Eksel, Overpelt, and Lommel, the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest, Regionaal Landschap Lage Kempen, and Limburg Tourism


Co-organised by:




Koningin Astridlaan 50 bus 5 - 3500 Hasselt
