Dear colleagues ,


We are glad to announce a PhD scholarship at TU Dresden and UNU FLORES in Dresden/Germany on “Synergies and trade-offs caused by current governance arrangements at the W-E-F-Forest nexus: Institutions, actors and power in the case of the Mungo Corridor landscape in Cameroon” here .


The project  will be integrated into  the research group “Forest Institutions & International Development” at the Chair group of Tropical & International Forestry at TU Dresden under the daily supervision of Dr. Jude Kimengsi and the academic main supervision of Prof. Lukas Giessen.


Detailed questions should be addressed to   


We are looking forward to receiving high-quality applications to the address indicated in the call (!) until April 30th 2022.



Best regards

Lukas Giessen



Prof. Dr. Lukas Giessen

Chair of Tropical and International Forestry; TU Dresden/Germany
Editor in Chief àForest Policy and Economics (Elsevier) à Knowledge to Action K2A (EFI)   

Profiles: à Google Scholar àResearchGate