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Betreff: Forest Policy and Economics: Alert 6 October-12 October


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Forest Policy and Economics

Forest Policy and Economics
Volume 72 ,  Pages 1-132, November 2016

New Frontiers of Forest Economics: Forest Economics beyond the Perfectly Competitive Commodity Markets
Edited by Shashi Kant, Peter Deegen, Martin Hostettler, Sen Wang and Jintao Xu




Editorial Board   
Pages IFC


New Frontiers of Forest Economics: Forest economics beyond the perfectly competitive commodity markets   
Pages 1-6
Shashi Kant, Peter Deegen, Martin Hostettler, Sen Wang, Jintao Xu, Gregory Valatin


On a forest as a commodity and on commodification in the discipline of forestry   Original Research Article
Pages 7-17
M. Ali Khan


Global climate change impacts on forests and markets   Original Research Article
Pages 18-26
Brent Sohngen, Xiaohui Tian


Insights from behavioural economics for forest economics and environmental policy: Potential nudges to encourage woodland creation for climate change mitigation and adaptation?   Original Research Article
Pages 27-36
Gregory Valatin, Darren Moseley, Norman Dandy


Revealed social preferences and joint forest management outcomes   Original Research Article
Pages 37-45
Pradeep Kumar, Shashi Kant


Valuation of First Nations peoples' social, cultural, and land use activities using life satisfaction approach   Original Research Article
Pages 46-55
Shashi Kant, Ilan Vertinsky, Bin Zheng


Private and public timber production: How markets and political institutions matter   Original Research Article
Pages 56-65
Peter Deegen


Coordination of forest management through market and political institutions   Original Research Article
Pages 66-77
Renke Coordes


Payments for forest-based environmental services: A close look   Original Research Article
Pages 78-84
Daowei Zhang


Whereabouts devolution and collective forest management?   Original Research Article
Pages 85-91
William F. Hyde


China's forest tenure reform and institutional change at a crossroads   Original Research Article
Pages 92-98
Ping Liu, Runsheng Yin, Hua Li


Integrating natural capital into system of national accounts for policy analysis: An application of a computable general equilibrium model   Original Research Article
Pages 99-105
Thomas O. Ochuodho, Janaki R.R. Alavalapati


Technical, allocative, and total profit efficiency of loblolly pine forests under changing climatic conditions   Original Research Article
Pages 106-114
Andres Susaeta, Damian C. Adams, Douglas R. Carter, Carlos Gonzalez-Benecke, Puneet Dwivedi


Comparing the financial performance of timber REITs and other REITs   Original Research Article
Pages 115-121
Xiaorui Piao, Bin Mei, Yuan Xue


Validation and enhancement of a spatial economic tool for assessing ecosystem services provided by planted forests   Original Research Article
Pages 122-131
Richard T. Yao, Duncan R. Harrison, Sandra J. Velarde, Luke E. Barry


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