From: Karin Hjelm <>
Sent: Monday, 18 January 2021 12.05
To: ess-alla <>
Subject: IBFRA conference 2021


Hi all!


IBFRA will arrange a conference with the theme “a changing boreal biome: assessing the vulnerability and resilience of boreal ecosystems to climate change and their socio-economic implications” that might be of interest for several of you, please visit the website for more information:


The conference will be held August 16-20, fully virtual. Deadline for abstracts is February 1st.





Karin Hjelm

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap
Box 49, 230 53 Alnarp
Besöksadress: Rörsjövägen 1
Telefon: 040-41 53 30, mobil: 0730-88 29 18


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