Dear all

Please find below a proposed agenda for DIVISION 8 Business Meeting on THURSDAY 27  ROOM B6 time: 18-20hs

We are looking forward to see you!  iI twill be a great opportunity to exchange, answer questions and provide you a hint of incoming events.

Also to learn about expectations, your  ideas …..


If you are in Stockholm please stop by – you are all more than  Welcomed to actively participate in Division 8 

Introduction - Sandra Luque
Presentation of officeholders - Coordinators state name, affiliation, country and Unit/WP only (coordinators present deputies)

Updated structure of Div 8 for 2024 - 2029 – Alexia Stokes & Chabi Djagoun

Task Force Updates (future Task Force initiatives linked to Division 8)
Future Events for Division 8 (A. Stokes, A. Herrera, O. Badea, J. Luan, T. Locatelli...)
All Divisions Conference - Edmonton 2027

Dissemination and outreach
Division 8 film

Any other business?

Alexia Stokes
INRAE Montpellier