Von: Jean-Michel Carnus [mailto:jean-michel.carnus@pierroton.inra.fr]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016 19:04
An: robert.jandl@bfw.gv.at; William.keeton@uvm.edu; svobodam@fld.czu.cz; sabina.burrascano@uniroma1.it; frederik.doyon@uqo.ca; G.Wardell-Johnson@curtin.edu.au; Luque Sandra; kriitters@fs.fed.us; santiago.saura@upm.es; liding@rcees.ac.cn; cristian.echeverria@udec.cl; trfox@vt.edu; liisa.ukonmaanaho@luke.fi; Peter Clinton; hailong@zafu.edu.cn; Hailong Wang; wangyh@forestry.ac.cn; pichler@tuzvo.sk; agustin.merino@usc.es; M. Jiri Kulhavy; matjaz.cater@gozdis.si; Pierre.Bernier@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca; sune.linder@slu.se; bjarni@lbhi.is; adam.wei@ubc.ca; gesun@fs.fed.us; 'Liu Shirong'; Karl Kleemayr; rsidle; 'STOKES Alexia'; christian.rachoy@oebb.at; Anna Barbati; Augusto Zanella; David Flaspohler; Deanna Olson; Dr. V.B. Mathur; englisch; Gosselin Frederic; Kimiko Okabe; Melvin Warren; RAVINDER KOHLI; rkkohli@pu.ac.in; anne.oxbrough@edgehill.ac.uk; Mosseler, Alex; sfu@scbg.ac.cn; daizybatish@pu.ac.in; joses@missouri.edu; maskorup@up.poznan.pl; sylvestrechabi@gmail.com; akpona@gmail.com; edward.wiafe@presbyuniversity.edu.gh; maozhun04@126.com; kanekos@affrc.go.jp; Frederic.Berger@irstea.fr; bebi@slf.ch; frank.perzl@uibk.ac.at; mike.wotton@utoronto.ca; bdegroot@nrcan.gc.ca; n_ainuddin@hotmail.com; stephen.mitchell@ubc.ca; thierry.fourcaud@cirad.fr; bruce.nicoll@forestry.gsi.gov.uk; John.Moore@scionresearch.com; Joze Papez; Andreas Schindlbacher

Betreff: IUFRO Division 8 - Greetings for the New Year ! Reminder - session proposals for all division 8 meeting 24 to 28 October 2016


Dear IUFRO Divison 8 colleagues,


first of all, my best wishes for a very happy, healthy and successfull new year 2016 ! I take this opportunity to thank you all for your contributions and work for IUFRO and Division 8 in the past year and there are already many exciting plans for activities in the coming year (please have a look at the IUFRO website to grasp the full list of planned activities).

Let me emphasize once more our first All division 8 conference "
FOREST ENVIRONMENT under CHANGING CLIMATES and SOCIETIES"  which will be held  in Beijing from 24 to 28 October , in conjunction with 2016 IUFRO regional congress for Asia and Oceania.  We have already received a few excellent session proposals and I would like to encourage all those who have not yet submitted any session to do it before 31st January.  (you will find attached the second announcement and call for session proposals, and please use the on-line submission: http://www.iufro-ao2016.org/en/page.asp?hid=&pageid=82.html )

There is another challenge we have to meet in this year and this is our website communication. Though we are pretty good in communicating our activities, we have been less good in communicating a few more information about our working parties in general. I take the chance and the spirit of the new year to ask all of you to update the IUFRO website of your unit. This will make your efforts and the unit work visible as well to the people outside IUFRO and can help to strengthen our network. You can directly send your changes to Brigitte Burger (burger@iufro.org) from the IUFRO secretariat. She will be happy to change and update the content.


Looking very much forward to meeting most of you in Beijing in October 2016.

With my best regards

Jean-Michel CARNUS
INRA Departement EFPA / www.efpa.inra.fr 
IUFRO Coordinator  Division 8 Forest Environment
INRA Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine 69 Route d’Arcachon
33612, Cestas, France
tel: +33 5 57 12 28 65   
mel: carnus@pierroton.inra.fr