Von: Sandra LUQUE [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017 16:59
An: iufro8-l@lists.irstea.fr
Betreff: [iufro8-l] IUFRO LE 2017 Halle-Saale, Germany, Abstract submission & Registration Invitation to Join!
Dear colleagues,
The call for ABSTRACTS is open for this year IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party Forest Landscape Ecology under the theme The Green-Blue Nexus: Forests, Landscapes and Services http://iufrole2017.eli-web.com
Deadline for Abstract submission 14th July 2017
The conference will be in Halle, Saale GERMANY at the Science and Technology Campus (http://uni-halle.virtiv.de/vtour/tour.html) in the Institute for Geosciences and Geography, September, 24 - 29, 2017, right after the 125 years IUFRO Conference
The IUFRO working party Conference will offer an attractive programme - 19 sessions and training opportunities: GUIDOSToolbox, GISCAME and ForSYS (see: Conference Sessions + additional offers http://iufrole2017.eli-web.com/index.php?article=additional_offers&lang=english)
Also, please take note of the excursions during and after the Conference
In case additional offers for side events are needed, please contact christine.fuerst@geo.uni-halle.de for room availability and organisations
Looking forward to see you in Halle and improve our vision regarding the green and blue nexus in a globalized world!
IUFRO LE Organization Team
IUFRO_LE https://iufrole.wordpress.com/
IUFRO International Union of Forest Research Organizations http://www.iufro.org/