Symposium: Tropical Restoration-Reforestation – Pros and Cons

Sponsored by: The International Society of Tropical Foresters, The International Forestry Working Group of the Society of American Foresters, and Terraformation

Date: Friday, 5 August 2022, 11 am- 2 pm EDT, 3-6 pm GMT. - Find your time zone at

The goal of this symposium is to present some of the topics and debates connected to tropical restoration and reforestation, to help sharpen our thinking about what works under what conditions, and why. The presentations will range widely from recent controversies associated with tropical restoration and reforestation, to issues linked with governance strategies for tree planting projects, seed banks for restoration, Eucalyptus as a nonnative tree in reforestation, approaches to verification of ecosystem restoration, and getting funding for projects.

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posted by IUFRO Headquarters on behalf of Sheila Ward