Dear colleagues,


Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous and Successful New Year 2020, full of Joy.


If you are interested in Air Pollution, Climate change, Biosphere and Ecosystems Impacts, submit your abstract now. The international conference entitled “Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems” will be held in Paphos (Cyprus) on May 4-8, 2020. Do not miss this fantastic meeting series.




Postponed abstract submission: 15th January 2020

Early registration: till 15th February 2020




1. CAPERmed - Air Pollution Effects on Mediterranean Ecosystems

2. Urban green: sinks or sources of air pollution and climate change

3. Plant ecosystems in a changing world: monitoring, modeling and risk assessment

4. Atmospheric deposition: consequences for plant ecosystems

5. Crops and trees: productivity and ecological processes

6. Genetic, biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying stress responses of plant ecosystems

7. Forest protection against ozone: new approaches towards an effective policy decision-making




Twitter: @PlantsPollution


Best regards,





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Dr Pierre SICARD

Air pollution & forests


International Union of Forest Research Organizations

Deputy R.G 8.04.00 “Air Pollution & Climate Change


Project MOTTLES: