

So it is almost November and time to do those things due in November !  Please remember to plan for the next IUFRO Landscape Ecology conference entitled “Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes” to be held in Tartu, Estonia, 23-30 August 2015!  Please find the call for Symposium pre-proposals (due 15 November 2014) below and visit the web site for more details The organizers have put together a fantastic venue and set of plenary speakers; we now need you to make it a terrific conference!


I would appreciate if you can spread the information among your networks and generate ideas among your colleagues for symposia. The Scientific Committee will be looking forward to your ideas and inputs in putting together a great conference. For those of you planning to attend the IALE World Congress in Portland, Oregon USA 5-10 July, 2015, please plan/beg for budgets to attend both great conferences!


Looking forward to see many of you next year in Tartu, Estonia!


Best regards,

Louis Iverson on behalf of the Organizing (Urmas Pederson, Chair) and Scientific (Ajith Perera, Chair) Committees


Call for Symposium preproposals for the IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party (Division 8): Forest Landscape

Ecology conference on “Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes" (Tartu, Estonia August

2330, 2015)


We invite you to submit a proposal for a scientific symposium at this conference, in relation to the

conference sub‐themes:

Adapting to climate change

Conserving biodiversity

Managing gene flows and species migrations

Enhancing ecological resilience

Managing natural and anthropogenic disturbances

Abating pollution

Managing water quality

Supplying commodities

Preserving cultural values

Providing aesthetics and recreation


The deadline for submitting preliminary symposia proposals for the IUFRO Landscape Ecology

Conference is November 15, 2014. Please submit your proposal by e‐mail to

Further details of the conference can be found on


The Scientific Program Committee will review the pre‐proposal submissions and notify you on acceptance before December 5, 2014. Full proposals with speaker names, topics, and sequence are to be submitted by January 30, 2015. Once the symposium is accepted, each speaker will be required to submit an abstract following the procedure for regular abstracts before March 10, 2015.


Pre‐proposals must include the following information:

1. Title

2. Proponents’ names and their affiliations

3. Objective of the symposium and relevance to the conference theme/sub‐themes (<150 words)

4. Length of the symposium (half day, full day)


Please note that, if space permits, organizers may include additional speakers from open sessions

based on the topical relevance.


Louis R. Iverson, Ph.D.

Landscape Change Research Group

Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service

359 Main Road, Delaware, OH 43015

740-368-0097 alt:
