Dear all,

the International Tree Mortality Network, an initiative of the IUFRO task force on monitoring trends and patterns in global tree mortality, is presenting the second lecture of the online seminar series.

You are invited to join on Jan 19 (4 pm, CET):

Dr Flávia Costa, Brazilian National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)

Tree mortality in the Amazon across local hydrological gradients: how water table depth may save or condemn trees as climate changes

Abstract: Dr Costa will present results of 20 years of investigation on patterns of forest response to soil hydrology (more specifically water table depth) during normal and extreme climatic years to examine the hypothesis that shallow water tables buffer forests from droughts and forests in these conditions may even be benefited by droughts. Dr Costa will also present some data on the hydraulic trait distributions along hydrological gradients to analyse the shifting implications to mortality during moderate to strong droughts.

Please join us for this highly interesting seminar and register at:

If you are interested in contributing to the seminar series and/or have suggestions for additional speakers, please contact us at:

Dr Flávia Costa, Researcher @ Brazilian National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)
Dr Flávia Costa is plant ecologist studying forest dynamics, anthropogenic impacts, functional and historical ecology of the Amazon for the last 25 years, based at the Brazilian National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA, Manaus). Dr Costa's current research focuses on the effects of local hydrology on the structure, composition, dynamics and function of the species and forests facing climate change. Dr Costa also runs the long-term ecological site of Reserva Ducke in the central Amazon.

Visit us at:




Dr. (habil.) Henrik Hartmann

Group leader

Plant Allocation


MPI for Biogeochemistry

Hans Knöll Str. 10

07745 Jena, Germany




Phone:    +49.3641.576294

Mobile:  +49.171.8188273
