Dear all,

Please share with your networks:

Together with Richard Sniezko (USDA FS, Pacific Northwest Region's Dorena Genetic Research Center), and Geoff Williams (USDA FS, International Programs),  we have organized a 1-hour webinar on Assisted Migration for ForestEd (the SAF continued education portal). 

When: 1:00 pm ET on March 23, 2023 (The archived webinar will then be accessible for future viewing through March 23, 2024) 

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Western Forestry and Conservation Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources, we were able to have registration fees waived and make it a FREE for all attendees event, including non-SAF members. 

Assisted Migration: Forestry in the Future Under a Changing Climate
Assisted migration, which is the movement of genotypes, populations, species, or forests, has been extensively researched as an approach to minimize the expected negative impacts of climate change on the health, productivity, and ecosystem services of future forests. The local seed source may no longer be adapted or optimal to meet land management objectives, and this issue may be one of the most important challenges foresters will need to deal with in the coming years. Fortunately, many people study the issue and can provide tools to land managers to make the best choice under the available data. The two talks here are aimed at providing the why, the what, and the how of assisted migration to a general audience including current knowledge, implementation, and future plans for public lands. Before the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to discuss the available tools that can facilitate decision-making to ensure the resilience of their forests.

The webinar will be composed of two presentations, followed by a Q&A/discussion session. The speakers are Dr. Brian Palik (Forest Ecologist, US Forest Service, Northern Research Station) and Dr. Greg O’Neill (Forest Geneticist, British Columbia Forest Service, Canada)

CFEs: Upon successful completion of the webinar, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on You will receive CFEs for viewing the archived webinar and completing the evaluation.

Hope to (virtually) see you there!

Chair of the SAF Forest Health & Genetics Working Group

Caterina Villari (she/her)
Associate Professor
Co-Director  - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative

706-389-5031 Office 

D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602

Integrated Plant Sciences:

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