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From: Glen R Stanosz <gstanosz@wisc.edu>
To: "div7@lists.iufro.org" <div7@lists.iufro.org>

Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2018 02:46:53 +0000

Subject: DNA-based fungal id service?

Apologies if I am adding just one more email to those who might consider this inquiry relevant to them.


BUT, a lawyer has inquired about whether there might be a commercial service that will attempt to extract and amplify DNA from a dried fruiting body (in this case, Pseudoinonotus dryadeus), and then sequence to confirm identity.  This inquiry is related to a personal injury lawsuit, hence documentation that would potentially be used in court is required.


I know that a number of us might attempt this in our own labs, but that is not an option for me.  If anyone can refer me to a commercial lab that might attempt this, please let me know.




Glen R. Stanosz, Ph.D.

Professor of Tree and Forest Health

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1630 Linden Drive

Madison, WI  53706
