Below is the announcement and call for papers for MALAYSIA URBAN GREEN SPACE & IFPRA
ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE 2014, supported by Iufro
that I hope you will be able to attend and/or forward where relevant. Interest to be in
the mailing list or registration can be indicated through email to us at .
We look forward to hear from you.
Parks as Melting Pots & Venues for Environmental Learning
24-28 June 2014
Beach Resort, Batu
Penang, Malaysia
Urbanization will continue to proceed at a rapid pace in Asia-Pacific region. It is forecasted that 17 out of 27 worlds largest mega-cities will be in Asia by 2015. Not only affecting population within cities of a country, migration to other countries is also
common that most Asia Pacific cities are becoming melting pots of various cultures.
Parks and other types of green space help balance a hectic lifestyle acting as venues for recreation and other healthy lifestyle pursuits. Urban green space also serves as an excellent place for conservation of biodiversity resources, accessible enough for
the public to appreciate and learn from. Thus, needs of a multi-cultural population and measures to ensure that natural resources will be conserved should be well addressed in park management. Recreational programmes
with educational
purposes need to be designed to benefit all users and encourage environment friendly practices.
The impact of urbanization is reflected in human lifestyles and infrastructural development for human needs will bear consequences on natural resources. Although biodiversity in Asia is among the richest in the world, many natural habitats are threatened.
It is crucial for measures to be taken to conserve our rich biodiversity not only within natural forest areas but in the form of ex-situ conservation in urban parks and gardens where they can be sources for environmental education.
Learning from each others experience and benchmarking on excellent practices will encourage sustainable management of urban green space. This conference will be the most suitable forum for interactions that lead to excellent management practice of urban
parks that not only benefit human but to aid biodiversity conservation. Balancing development and preserving the environment is crucial for sustainable development especially in urban areas where land is scarce and population is dense. This conference aims
to address the challenges in balancing a healthy development for human needs and conservation of natural resources for sustainability.
Theme 1: Parks for Multi-cultural Societies
Theme 2: Conservation of Natural Resources in Urban Green Space
Theme 3: Recreation Programming for Environmental Sustainability
Theme 4: Best Practices and Benchmarking
1. To share the best ways in communicating sustainability messages through urban green space.
2. To review the progress and status of urban park development.
3. To exchange information, ideas and to learn about sustainable urban green space and management.
4. To establish networking among participants from different countries for possible collaborations.
The programme
includes keynote addresses, oral and poster presentations. Presentations from various aspects of urban park management will be the highlight of the programme
Post-Conference tours are opened to participants and accompanying persons. It will be organized on 27 June 2014 (UNESCO World Heritage) and 28 June 2014 (Penang Eco-Trail).
The official language of the conference is English.
Registration fee without post conference tour (24 June to 26 June 2014):
1. Local participants : MYR1000.00
2. Local students: MYR900.00
3. Foreign participants: USD500.00
Registration fee with post conference tour (24 June to 28 June 2014):
3. Local participants: MYR1100.00
4. Local students: MYR990.00
5. Foreign participants : USD550.00
The conference will comprise oral and poster presentations. Those interested in presenting papers or posters should note the following dates:
Abstract submission - 15 May 2014
Full paper submission - 1 June 2014
Closing of registration - 10 June 2014
Please submit abstracts and full papers via email as an attached word document to the
secretariat at
Name : (Prof/Dr/Mr
Organization :
Postal Address :
Tel : ………………………………………………………..
Fax : ……………………………………………………….
Email : ……………………………………………………
(Please tick √ )
• Status of participation : ○ Presenter ○ Non-presenter
• Dietary requirement : ○ Vegetarian ○ Non-vegetarian
• Post tours : ○ UNESCO World Heritage Tour ○ Penang Eco-Trail