Dear reader

The European Forest Institute, the CLEARING HOUSE project, EFUF, and partners organise the Sino-European Urban Forestry Days on the 23rd and 24th of March. See for details and registration link.

We have created opportunities for short video poster presentations on the 24th of March. This opportunity is open to young and less young practitioners and researchers in urban forestry. More info and submission of ideas (before the 22nd of Feb) through this link:

And lots of other announcements in our newsletter:

Best regards

Rik De Vreese

Dr Rik De Vreese
Contracted Senior Expert for Urban Forestry - CLEARING HOUSE Project Coordinator
Resilience Programme

European Forest Institute (EFI Bonn)
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
+32 485 36 00 78
Read my latest blogpost: Policy recommendations for employing urban forests as enabling learning environments