IUFRO NEWS 11, 2017
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We are happy to present to you Issue 11 of IUFRO News 2017, volume 46. The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/.
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Alexander Buck IUFRO Executive Director
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Teak in Productive Landscapes: An Introduction to Global Efforts Put into the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Teak Resources

At the 27th Session of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission meeting at Colombo during 23-27 October, TEAKNET organized a partner event with the financial support of FAO of the United Nations on the occasion of a Global Teak Study report published by IUFRO in its World Series Publications Volume 36 in June 2017. More…

The Future of Forests and Forestry in Asia and the Pacific

Convened by the FAO Regional Office in Bangkok, a number of international organizations including IUFRO were invited to a panel discussion to share their views on likely developments and probable pathways of change taking place in and around forests in the Asia-Pacific region. More…

IUFRO Tokyo 2017: Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change

At the 28th IUFRO conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems in Japan, emphasis was placed on air pollution in East Asia, particularly on the impacts of tropospheric ozone and nitrogen depositions and of climate change impacts on growth and carbon sequestration of forests. More…

Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources

The 2017 conference in Belarus was the first international meeting in this cycle that was held outside the Russian Federation. The meeting was hosted by the Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and attracted a total of 256 participants from 18 countries. More…

9th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference (PRWAC) and Annual Meeting IAWS 2017

About 190 participants from 18 countries attended the meeting and actively discussed various aspects of wood science. The event was co-sponsored by IUFRO Research Groups 5.01.00 - Wood and fibre quality, and 5.06.00 - Properties and utilization of plantation wood. More…

20th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium

The International NDTE of Wood Symposium is a forum for those involved in nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood, wood-based materials and products. Co-sponsored by Forest Products Society (FPS) and IUFRO Research Group 5.01.00, the event attracted scientists and practitioners in the field from 18 countries. More…

Forest Operations Researchers and Geospatial Scientists Meet in Joint Symposium

The 17th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR) was unique in that it brought together two traditionally disconnected disciplines both working on forest decision support systems: the remote sensing/geospatial informatics community and operations researchers. More…

Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change

The International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change (ISSFM-CGC) in Harbin, China, focused on topics such as restoration and rehabilitation of forest ecosystems, sustainable management of forest ecosystems, and forest ecosystem services and functions. More…

New Interim Director General of CIFOR

From 1 November 2017, Dr. Robert Nasi is taking on the role of interim Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), following Peter Holmgren. In a recent interview he spoke about his decades of experience with CIFOR and in tropical forestry research, and laid out plans for the future. More…

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IUFRO News 11, 2017, published November 2017 by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/ Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit www.iufro.org If you do not wish to receive IUFRO News, please send us a short note by e-mail (office(at)iufro.org). Imprint: www.iufro.org/legal/
