Protected Areas and Place Making - Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil – April 21-26, 2013

Third Call for Papers

The objective of the conference is to bring together expertise to explore solutions and develop practices in regions where balance and maintenance are essential in conserving resilience and addressing recovery of landscapes. You are invited to submit abstracts for a paper in the following subjects: 1)  Urban forestry, health and well-being;  2)Community values in conservation; 3)  Conservation and Sustainable rural development in contested landscapes: international perspectives; 4)  Private sector on nature conservation; 5) Nature-based recreation and tourism; 6)   Human–wildlife conflict management; 7)  Boosting connectivity: Trans-boundary parks and corridors; 9)  Word Cup and tourism in Brazilian National Parks.

Abstracts should be sent by email to: with subject: abstract 
Please carbon copy (cc:) to:


February 16th, 2013  - Deadline for short papers (500 words)

 February 26th, 2013  - Notification of abstract acceptance

 March 30th, 2010 - Deadline for revised abstract for proceedings (3000 words- optional)


More information about the PAPM_2013,  Protected Areas and Place Making is at :  Or send an e-mail:


We look forward to seeing you in Foz do Iguaçu!


Teresa Cristina Magro and Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho (Co-chairs)                       
Prof. Teresa Cristina Magro
Protected Areas Mangement
Forestry Science Department
University of São Paulo
Av. Pádua Dias, 11
CEP 13418-900 - Piracicaba, SP

Tel: 0055 19 21058650
Fax: 0055 19 21058600

Fone:+0055 19 2105 8650
Fax: +0055 19 2105 8601