Day one is themed on
integrated urban forest management with a focus on the
‘sustainable transition of cities’ and ‘urban forestry and the pillars of sustainability’. In addition to keynote speakers, ‘a tour of management models’ with leading
practitioners will cover different European bioregions and beyond. Participants will also be able to attend a
‘virtual fieldtrip’ with ‘live stream Q&A’ from the Kottenforst, a peri-urban forest near Bonn in Germany.
Day two is themed on
urban forests and health infrastructure. Keynote speakers will outline what medical science is telling us about forests as health infrastructure followed by a thematic workshop on ‘forests and urban greenspaces in pandemic
times’. The second day will also see the launch of EFUF 2021; a decentralised networking programme running from March to May 2021 with many diverse events. The new MyEFUF App will also be unveiled at the conference.
full programme of the Urban Forestry Days you can find
registration can be accessed
To get a feeling of what to expect at the Urban Forestry Days, you can watch the conference trailer