FPS COST Action FP1205

Innovative applications of regenerated wood cellulose fibres

Descriptions are provided by the Actions directly via e-COST.

Demand for high performance products is increasing globally, as is the demand for more environmentally responsible sourcing. The combination of these facts places significant strain on traditional material supplies and processing. Fibre demand and nanocellulose are two such area of increasing demand, where diversification of fibre supplies is necessary to provide the demands and allow use of land for agricultural food purposes and biorefinery / biofuel supply. One area where fibre supply is increasing in supply is through the wood industry. This is through greater forest reserves under sustainable forestry practices, especially across Europe. However, it is necessary to think “outside the box” on how this resource can be put to optimum value (i.e. in areas in addition to construction, pulp & paper and bioenergy). This Action aims to develop the sustainable emerging technologies in the areas of textile fibre production, cellulosic fibres, and the various forms of nanocellulose derived solely from wood. This advancement needs to be undertaken within a COST framework not only to provide a means of information sharing, but to educate and train scientists in new areas of development. Through a programme of collaboration and knowledge exchange and training, this Action will develop a pan-European leap in capabilities, product and processes. This will lead to an improvement in the environmental credentials of advanced cellulose-based materials, strengthening R&D and innovative material production across Europe



FPS COST Action FP1303

Performance of bio-based building materials

Descriptions are provided by the Actions directly via e-COST.

Maintaining and expanding the market potential for bio-based building products in indoor and outdoor construction uses remains a key activity for European industry in the forestry and biotechnological sector. Performance data for many "environmental friendly" building materials are lacking as well as suitable comprehensive test methodologies to determine their resistance against mould, stain, and decay. The similarity in terms of decay hazard, resulting response on climatic loads and thus performance of different bio-based building materials has not yet been recognised adequately, wherefore this Action will provide a platform for networking and scientific exchange between different disciplines, such as material sciences, wood technology, biology, biotechnology, building physics and engineering. Consumer demands and preferences, which might serve as limit states to develop service life prediction and performance models, will consider aesthetical aspects as well as the functionality of building assemblies. A coordinated effort to put the issue of biodegradability of organic building products on the agenda will contribute to the control and prevention of this imminent threat to use bio-based building materials, which in turn could severely damage a pan-European low carbon building agenda.



FPS COST Action FP1302

Descriptions are provided by the Actions directly via e-COST.

This Action aims to combine forces and to foster research on wooden musical instruments in order to preserve and develop the dissemination of knowledge on musical instruments in Europe through inter disciplinary research. The proposed program involves curators and conservators on the one side, wood scientists, chemists and acousticians on the other side, and finally, researchers in organology and making of instruments.
As part of the CIMCIM (International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums and Collections) network, working with some members of the former WoodCultHer COST and with makers, the project will integrate study, conservation and preservation works on musical instruments in heritage, and will allow the different European teams working on wood to participate in research projects on musical instruments. The collaboration will help to develop cooperative programs on specific projects about the study and identification of artefacts and about the conservation of musical instruments.
