Dear all,

The ICWSE 2025 website is now available at:

We hope that you will be eager to explore it and that you will find interest to participate at this event, which was always more than a simple scientific meeting. We are proud of the positive feedback that we have always received from our participants, who greatly enjoyed both the scientific sessions, and the social events

So, I am very happy to announce you that the PRE-REGISTRATION for ICWSE 2025 is now open! Please fill in the attached Pre-Registration Form, and send it per E-mail to: before 15 May 2025. The eligible topics are presented on the conference webpage

Please fill in this form even if you are a co-author or if you just wish to attend the conference (with no presentation).

At this time, it is important for us to estimate the number of participants, the number of papers in each section, and also your publishing preference.

Three scientific journals, which act as ICWSE 2025 partners with special issues dedicated to this event, are available: Applied Sciences, Bulletin of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov, and PRO LIGNO. Details can be found on the conference website, under the heading Paper Publishing
Publishing is optional. You can choose only to present your work at the conference.

All papers registered to be presented at the conference will be included as extended abstracts in a Book of Abstracts.
The deadline for sending the extended abstract and the conference fee is 30 September 2025
Details concerning the conference fee can be found at

I will keep you up-dated as soon as we upload new aspects on the conference webpage.
Until then, do not hesitate to contact me in any matter regarding ICWSE 2025.
We look forward to welcome you in Brasov this autumn!

With kindest regards,
Mihaela Campean
on behalf of the ICWSE 2025 - Organizing Committee
On Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 23:08, Diego Elustondo wrote:

Hello Mihaela,


Thank you for your quick response! It’s really great to hear from you after all these years.


Please check if you can find anyone with a small kiln in Europe? I recall your excellent presentation on the history of kiln drying at the Skellefteå IUFRO conference. Perhaps we’ll need to start looking in museums for a pilot-scale kiln! 😊


I’m not sure which conference you’re referring to, but my current focus is on the entire value chain from forest to timber buildings. We are also very interested in advanced manufacturing technologies, so perhaps we can explore some collaboration opportunities. I’ve looped in Henri Bailleres, my General Manager, for further discussions.


Looking forward to hearing from you again!


Best regards,




From: Campean Mihaela <>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2025 3:18 AM
To: Diego Elustondo <>
Subject: Re: Lulea University of Technology


Dear Diego,

I am happy hearing again of you.

New Zealand sounds good!


I will try to find a partner company. The high air velocity is probably difficult task, but I will try.

Do you plan to come to the conference? It would be a great pleasure to seeing you again.

Kind regards,



On Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 02:08, Diego Elustondo wrote:

Hello Mihaela,


I hope you're doing well. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few times over the years, particularly when I was professor at Lulea University of Technology in Sweden.


Currently, I’m working with Scion, the New Zealand Forest Research Institute. You can learn more about us here:


One of our stakeholders is Windsor Engineering, a kiln manufacturer based in New Zealand. You can find more about them here:


Windsor is looking to expand into the European market and needs a partner who can validate their drying schedules for European structural species such as Spruce and Pine. The drying process is relatively straightforward. It includes a warm-up ramp, a constant drying phase at temperatures around 90/60°C, and a cool-down ramp. However, the airflow velocity is quite high, close to 5 m/s.


Do you have any connections or know of anyone who could replicate these drying conditions in a small pilot kiln for Windsor?


I greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer and look forward to hearing from you.


Best regards,




Diego Elustondo

Portfolio Leader, Trees to High-value Wood Products

49 Sala Street, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
+64 7 3435860, Mobile: +64 22 5904722

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