On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to attend the:


13th IUFRO International Wood Drying Conference

Wood drying in developing countries

September 5-9, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey


The conference will be held from September 5 to 9, 2016, in Istambul (Turkey) at the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Forestry. The main aim of the conference is to bring researchers and practitioners together from academia and industry to an interdisciplinary environment where we can share recent developments and applications of wood drying technologies. This time, we hope to offer you something rather different: Istanbul, a global city located in the boundaries between the European and Asian continents. It has been home to countless civilizations and cultures throughout the ages, and for many centuries people of various religions, languages ​​and races have lived in harmony together. The city, like a mosaic, has preserved its unique cosmopolitan and metropolitan structure. If you decide to come, then you will have the chance to experience stonishing views of the city and visit the world famous Hagia Sophia Museum and Topkapı Palace in Istanbul.


The Conference Topics will focus on “Wood drying in developing countries”:


o   Drying Quality and Wood Properties

o   Methods for Monitoring the Drying Process

o   Physics of Wood Drying and Modelling

o   Applied Wood Drying

o   Alternative Drying Methods

o   Wood Modification Related to Drying

o   Miscellaneous Drying Technologies

o   Conference Language


The official language of the conference is English, and the Key Dates for the participants are listed below:


o   June, 2015 First announcement

o   August, 2015 1st call for papers/posters. Pre-registration

o   December, 2015 2nd call for papers/posters and abstracts for peer-review

o   January, 2016 3rd call for papers/posters and abstracts for peer-review

o   February, 2016 Dead-line to send final title and abstract for peer-review

o   March, 2016 Information via e-mail of decision of acceptance of papers/posters

o   May, 2009 Announcement for Final Registration

o   July 30, 2016 Deadline for submission of the final camera-ready papers

o   August 20, 2016 Deadline for early payment of fees

o   September 05-09, 2016 13th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference

o   September 10-11, 2016 Post-conference tour


We hope to share a successful and enjoyable meeting with you in Istanbul. If you join us, we promise you an amazing experience and good memories to take back home.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Oner UNSAL

Istanbul University, Turkey



Assoc. Prof. Suleyman KORKUT

Duzce Universit, Turkey
