Greetings to all Division 4 members!


We are only a week away from the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm and we wanted to provide you with some additional information about activities involving the Division. First, several administrative meetings with take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and are listed below. Please attend the Division 4 Business meeting on Thursday 27 June at 18:00 in Room K23. A brief agenda is provided below, indicating that we will discuss the incoming officers and plans for the division for 2024-2029. We are looking for several officers, so please attend and volunteer!


One of the plans for 2024-2029 is to develop a Webinar Series that will include two webinars from each research Group. RG .01.00 has hosted a similar series for the past two years that has been very successful, and we would like to expand this to all of Division 4. We will be discussing this at the business meeting and would appreciate your suggestions and involvement.



Tuesday 25 June

                18:00 – 18:50

                                WP 4.01.04 – Effects of environmental changes on forest growth - Room K12

                WP 4.03.03 – Information management and information technologies - Room B6

                RG 4.05.00 – Managerial economics and accounting - T5

19:00 – 19:50

                RG 4.01.00 – Forest mensuration and modelling – Room K12

                WP 4.02.01 – Resource data in the tropics - K14

Thursday 27 June

                Division 4 Business Meeting – Room K23  18:00 – 20:00

                                Review of 2019-2024 Accomplishments

                                2024 – 2029 Officers

                                Plans for 2024 – 2029



As always, Division 4 is well represented in the World Congress Sessions, many of which are listed in the latest Div 4 Newsletter, which is available on our IUFRO webpage ( under ‘Publications and References’.


Also, the full WC program can be found at: The format of the program does not identify sessions by Division specifically, but if you type ‘4’ or some more specific such as ‘4.01’, the program will list those sessions in which Division 4 members are involved or that should be of interest to our members.


Finally, we are continuing our newsletter as we move forward, and it will be more regular, as we have increased our capacity for this. Please be sure to respond when asked for information for the newsletter.

We hope to see you in Stockholm!

Bianca Eskelson and Don Hodges – Incoming Division 4 Co-Coordinators