Welcome to the seventh Division 4 newsletter!
Greetings from the U.S.! The 2024
World Congress in Stockholm is a month away. We are well-represented in the sessions, and a full list can be found
here. Sessions highlighted by Division 4 members are provided below, but there are many more on the program involving Division 4 members. Also, the Division 4 Business Meeting will take place on Thursday, 27 June in Room
D23 (18:00 - 20:00). I look forward to seeing many of you in June!
Thank you,
Don Hodges

IUFRO World Congress Sessions and Meetings
Assessing forest sustainability through operations research
Speaker: Monday, 24 June, 16:00 - 18:00
This session is organized for WG 4.04.07 "Risk Analysis."
Economics of forest plantations in Latin America: advances, challenges, and opportunities
Session: Monday, 24 June, 16:00 - 18:00
Unit 4.05.03 participating
Socio-ecological conflicts in forest management: risks of (not) adapting?
Poster sessions:
Monday, 24 June, 12:30 - 13:15
Tuesday, 25 June, 12:30 - 13:15 and 13:30 - 14:15
Session: Friday, 28 June, 14:30 - 15:30
This session is organized for WG 4.04.07 "Risk Analysis."
Administrative meeting of RG 4.05.00
Tuesday, 25 June, 18:00-18:50
Room T5
National perspective of Forest resources policy and governance in countries of Latin America under a sustainable perspective
Session: Thursday, 27 June, 8:30 - 10:30
Unit 4.05.03 participating
Planted Forests for Achieving a Sustainable Planet
Oral presentations: Thursday, 27 June, 16:00 - 18:00
Poster session: Friday, 28 June, 12:30 - 13:15
Unit 4.05.03 participating
Division 4 Business Meeting
Thursday, 27 June, 18:00 - 20:00
Room D23
Work and employment in the forest sector: challenges and opportunities
Friday, 28 June, 8:30 - 10:30
This session is organized in collaboration between Thuenen Institute of Forestry, Forest Europe, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Labour Organization and
IUFRO subunit 4.05.04
You can find other
sessions, exhibitions and meetings here.
Recent Work from Division 4
From Unit 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting
The ResAlliance project
Landscape Resilience Alliance for Agriculture and Forestry in the Mediterranean Basin
The project, coordinated by the European Forest Institute (EFI), will run from 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2025. INRGREF (Tunisia) is part of the alliance with 15 other international partners.

Photo credit: Boutheina STITI (National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests)
ResAlliance is a thematic network project funded by the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Union. The aim is to provide foresters and farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to implement innovative landscape resilience solutions. It will collect
and assess knowledge, gaps, barriers and good practices in Mediterranean countries for achieving landscape resilience, with a particular focus on climate resilience measures. To achieve that, ResAlliance promotes multi-stakeholder interactive initiatives at
two levels: LandNet and LandLab and across thematic areas that will help set specific learning objectives to better address knowledge and implementation gaps: governance, management practices, technology and finance.
In order to do so, 16 partners from the South, East and North of the Mediterranean Sea have come together to exchange good practices and challenges and discuss solutions:
The European Forest Institute (Spain, Finland), Etifor | Valuing Nature (Italy), The Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO-DIMITRA-Greece), EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS – CERIDES (CYPRUS), PAU COSTA FOUNDATION (Spain), D.R.E.AM. ITALIA (Italy), The Center
for International Forestry Research (CIFOR-Germany), The Instituto Superior De Agronomia (ISA-Portugal), The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC-Spain), The Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA-Spain), Jouzour Loubnan (JL-Lebanon),
The National Institute of Rural engineering research, Water and Forests (INRGREF-Tunisia), The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute Of Chania (CIHEAM – MAICH-Crete), The Agenzia forestale regionale per lo sviluppo del territorio e l’ambiente della Sardegna (Italy),
The European Federation of Agroforestry (EURAF-France), The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN- Switzerland).
Partners are working on fact sheets and surveys across the region to engage different sectors and propose solutions to the challenges facing forest ecosystems and agricultural landscapes.
In order to move the project forward, the INRGREF team, in particular Mr. Mohamed Ayeb and Mr. Samir Ghanem and Ms. Boutheina STITI (INRGREF-Tunisia), will prepare data sheets on best practices collected from different regions of the country, including forests,
agricultural areas and oases.
For any questions, remarks or interest on the ResAlliance project, please feel free to contact Boutheina STITI (stitibou@gmail.com), Samir Ghanem (ghannemsamir7@gmail.com)
or visit the project website at
From Unit 4.03.03 - Information management and information technologies
Integrated DSS for delivery of ecosystem services based on EU forest policies (DSS4ES)
Forest landscape management and planning deals with large-scale processes in an integrated and multidisciplinary manner, combining natural resource management with environmental and livelihood considerations. It involves management of production systems in
an area large enough to produce vital ecosystem services and small enough to be managed by the people using the land and producing those services. The landscape approach considers human activities and their institutions as an integral part of the system rather
than as external agents.
The first generation of decision support systems (DSSs) was typically designed to address relatively narrow, well-defined problems of single sectors. Over the past decades, there has been a pronounced trend toward the development of integrated multifunctional
systems. Current advances in IT technology allow the development of advanced computer-based tools that can handle complex interactions between different land uses and support cross-sectoral decision-making. However, the achievements in computing power, mathematical
methods and environmental models have not resulted in a large amount of DSS applicable for landscape management as DSSs used within each sector (forestry, agriculture, water management, urban areas) are still dominating.
In response to this in September 2023, the COST Action CA22141 “Integrated DSS for delivery of ecosystem services based on EU forest policies (DSS4ES)” was launched. The initiative is financially supported by the European Cooperation in Sciences and Technology
(COST) funding program and aims to establish a research network for facilitating the conceptualisation and development of new methodological approaches in decision support systems including the interaction between forest and landscape management. The emphasis
is on screening, evaluating and proposing existing and future tools to support holistic planning approaches to increase sustainable forest management, considering various ecosystem services and products addressing the associated risks and uncertainties.
The Action network has five working groups focused on data needed for decision-making, decision-making models and methods, user interface, integration into the resulting DSS and implementation in EU legislative conditions. The network has 76 members from different
fields across forestry, landscape management or water management and agriculture who are involved in different IUFRO units as well. In this context, there will be a special DSS4ES administrative meeting at the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm this year. The
meeting will be organized along with the meeting of the IUFRO unit 4.03.03 Information Management and Information Technologies on Tuesday, 25 June at 18:00 in room B6.

Photo credit: Jan Kaspar (Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague)
Unit 4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America
Technical reports and research proposals:
Castellanos Niño, Y y Marco Renau, J. (2023). Optimización del aprovechamiento de productos maderables de tres especies forestales comerciales en el departamento del Guaviare
(departamento de la Amazonía Colombiana). Universidad de los Andes. Disponible en: https://ideas.repec.org/p/col/000089/020756.html
Articles published in journals:
Sarmiento, Miguel Angel, e Luiz César Ribas. 2023. “Payment for environmental services: a further analysis to a comparative study of the Brazilian and Argentine perspectives.” Revista
Estudo & Debate 30 (1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.22410/issn.1983-036X.v30i1a2023.3254.
Hyde, William F., Morales Olmos, Virginia. General policy uncertainty: A crucial, yet overlooked, factor for the forest. Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 163, 2024, 103223, ISSN
Chudy, R., Siry, J., Morales Olmos, V., Marcille, K., Himes, A., Mei, B., Baral, S., & Cubbage, F. (2023). Forest Conference Report No. 1, 2023. Journal of Forest Business Research,
2(2), 170–180. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62320/jfbr.v2i2.45.
Balmelli G, Gasparri P, Morales Olmos V. Economic analysis of alternatives for second rotations in
Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southeast Uruguay. Agrociencia Uruguay [Internet]. 2023; 27:e976. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31285/AGRO.27.976.
Franco Schinato, M.C. Munka, V.M. Olmos, A.T. Bussoni, Microclimate, forage production and carbon storage in a eucalypt-based silvopastoral system, Agriculture, Ecosystems &
Environment, Volume 344, 2023, 108290, ISSN 0167-8809,
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.