Hello from IUFRO Division 4!
This latest issue of the newsletter continues to report on recent and planned activities in Division 4, the accomplishments of our members, and introduces more of our
officers. Remember that we can only report the information you provide, so please continue to send Kristy (kristyak@utk.edu) information,
photos, scholarship and job opportunities, and links related to Division 4.
There are a few updates regarding division-wide efforts. First, I will be sending out a poll in very soon to schedule a meeting of all division officers in late February
or early March to discuss a number of topics such as communications within the division, portions of the IUFRO Strategic Action Plan that we might want to emphasize, and future meetings. I will send out a report on that meeting to everyone, as well as include
it in the next newsletter.
One of the topics we will discuss is the possibility of a Division-wide meeting in 2022 or 2023. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, one possibility is the Regional
IUFRO Conference in Moscow planned for September 2022, but we will discuss other alternatives as well. Please contact me or any officer if you have thoughts on other options.
Finally, we continue to explore ways in which we can include opportunities for virtual participation in IUFRO conferences and meetings in the future. Although immunizations
are not occurring as quickly as I had hoped, we are seeing some positive momentum, and in-person meetings will be feasible at some point in the future. Still, I believe that including virtual options will increase participation and allow many more scientists
to become involved in IUFRO activities. While providing such options will require support from IUFRO headquarters, we will continue to explore ways in which we can accomplish this at the division level.
As always, please feel free to email me or your unit officers if you have any
questions or suggestions regarding the newsletter, future meetings, or any other topic related to IUFRO or Division 4.
Meet Your Division 4 Officers
Deputy Coordinator, 4.01.00 Forest Mensuration and Modeling
Current position: Researcher, Southern Swedish Forest Research Center, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. Senior researcher at French National
Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (on leave)
Research Interests: quantitative silviculture, forest health, remote sensing, mixed forests
Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.00
Current Position: George L. Switzer Professor of Forestry and Head, Department of Forestry, Mississippi State University, USA
Research Interests: Forest economics and management, forest-based bioenergy, ecosystems services, forest protection
Coordinator, 4.05.03
Current Position: Professor, Agricultural and Forest Economics and Policy, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Agronomy, Forestry Engineering and Industrial
Timber Engineering, Federal University of Paraná
Research interests: Agrarian and forest policy; agricultural and forestry economics; productive chains; agroforestry investment analysis
Deputy Coordinator 4.02.06
Current Position: Post doctoral researcher, Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umea, Sweden
Research Interests: Change estimation of biomass, biophysical parameter estimation in forests both heterogeneous as well as homogeneous forests, remote sensing
based forest monitoring and analysis
Deputy Coordinator, 4.03.03 and 4.04.07
Current Position: Assistant professor, Forest Management Department, CZU Prague Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech Republic
Research Interests: Forest management and planning, decision support systems, multicriterial and participative management
Co-Deputy, 4.04.08 and 7.03.015
Current Position: Professor of Political Science, Department of Geography, Umeå University, and guest professor, Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå
Research Interests: Forest management and policy, climate change adaptation and invasive species management and policy
Deputy, 4.01.04
Current Position: principal scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Research Interests: growth and yield, wood formation, wood properties, forest management, dendroecology
Deputy, 4.01.03
Current Position: Associate Professor in Forest Mensuration, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, China-Taipei
Research Interests: Forest measurement, forest sampling, quantitative silviculture
Deputy, 4.02.02
Current Position: Professor and Department Head, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Research Interests: Optical remote sensing, lidar remote sensing, GIS, forest management and planning, forest dynamics and growth modeling, forest anomaly detection,
fuel load evaluation, signal sensing for climate change
Upcoming Division 4 Meetings
Scholarship & Job Opportunities
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 19 September, 2021
Submitted by
Bogdan Strimbu
Submitted by Vitor Hoeflich
Anadalvo Juazeiro dos Santos.
Palestra sobre Produtos Florestais Não Madeireiros e a Conservação Florestal. (Lecture on Non-Timber Forest Products and Forest Conservation).
Seminário sobre Avaliação e Valoração de Florestas (Seminar on Forest Valuation and Valuation).
Promoters: Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).
Academic Extension Activities:
2020. Ailson Augusto Loper. Vitor Afonso Hoeflich.
Coordination Extension Project: Agroforestry sustainability for rural development. Undergraduate Courses in Forest Engineering and Industrial Timber Engineering. Federal University of Paraná. (UFPR).
2020. Luiz A. C. Lucchesi. Vitor Afonso Hoeflich.
Extension Project Coordination: Agronomy & Sustainability. Undergraduate Course in Agronomy. Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).
2020. Zenobio Abel Gouvêa Perelli da Gama e Silva.
University Extension Course: Forest Economy focused on the Amazon region. Undergraduate Course in Forest Engineering. Federal University of Acre (UFAC).
Ansolin, R.D. Fernandes, A.P.D.; Timofeiczyk Junior, R.; Hoeflich,
V.A.; Bento, M.A.; Silva, S.A. Do forest concessions benefit extractivist communities? The case of the Jamari National Forest. Floresta (online) (Curitiba), v. 50, p. 1297-1306, 2020.
Carvalho Filho, M.S.S.; Silva,
Z.A.P.G. da G. e. Os Aspectos econômicos da implantação e condução de povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp., no âmbito do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo Florestal (MDL-F) no estado do Acre, 2013. Scientia Naturalis, v. 2, p. 778-798, 2020.
Webinar: Fatos & Reflexões Florestais: Avaliação e Valoração de Aspectos econômicos do manejo florestal como subsídios à valoração dos recursos florestais.
Participants: Anadalvo Juazeiro dos Santos/UFPR; Zenobio Abel Gouvêa Perelli da Gama e Silva/UFAC)
Promoters: Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).
Webinar: Lives and digital contents with content in forestry economics, management and policy issues
Advisors: Thiago Rodrigues de Paula/UFPFR; Ailson Augusto Loper/UFPR; Vitor Afonso Hoeflich/UFPR
The dissemination of information during the year 2020 indicated more than 16000 accesses
Webinar from the International Tree Mortality Network: Tree mortality in Australian ecosystems: past, present and future
22 February, 2021
Presented by Professor Belinda Medlyn
Abstract: Australia is not only the driest inhabited continent, it also experiences high interannual variability in rainfall, and severe multi-year droughts.
Tree death from drought is thus a recurring feature of the Australian landscape. In this talk I will review our current understanding of drought mortality in Australian ecosystems, including the historical context, current field research on the extent and
mechanisms of drought dieback and recovery, and the development of models to predict future drought mortality risk.
The IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 Resource Data in the Tropics has been redirected towards the issue of rescuing legacy or historical tropical forest datasets that are still
on paper or in older digital formats. They also want to help develop appropriate metadata standards and policy for equitable use of these data.
These legacy datasets are invaluable for understanding how tropical forests, biodiversity, and carbon storage change through time, including the cumulative impacts of
changes in land use and climate. Historical data can also help instruct current and future forest management.
All are welcome to participate who are interested in this effort. Please contact
tropfordata(at)gmail.com for more information.
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.