New Division 4 Officers
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Most of the people on the list of officers for Division 4 for 2024-2029 were approved by the IUFRO Board at the May meeting. Some officers were named after that meeting, and some Working Party names were modified. These changes will become official with Board approval later this month.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
WoodCircle Communication & Annual Workshop Meeting of UNECE/FAO Forest Communicators’ Network
- 17-19 December 2024
- Austrian BML, Forest Communicators’ Network, co-organized by IUFRO.
- The meeting will be in English.
- Website
4.05.00 Annual Meeting
- 14-16 May 2025
- Prague, Czech Republic
- More details to come
IUFRO WP 4.05 member Prof. Dr. Lidija Zadnik Stirn honored with the EURO Distinguished Service Award

Prof. Zadnik Stirn standing with jury chair prof. Dr. Michel Bierlaire, Photo source: EURO
Author: Vasja Leban
We are delighted to announce at the 2024 International Conference of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO), Prof. Dr. Lidija Zadnik Stirn received the EURO Distinguished Service Award (EDSA) for lifetime achievement in the European operations research community and profession. The EURO Distinguished Service Award (EDSA) is the highest recognition in EURO of distinguished service to the European operational research community and to the profession of operational research. We are also pleased to say that, as only one EDSA award is given each year, this is a very special occasion.
Prof. Zadnik Stirn has been an honorable member of IUFRO since 1986. She has held several coordinator and deputy positions, including D4 deputy coordinator and WG 4.05 coordinator. Her work focuses on developing optimization models for forest management, environmental decision models, assessment of forest ecosystem services and managerial economics. She has published more than 630 works, 45 of which are scientific articles!
We would like to send our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Zadnik Stirn on receiving this well-deserved award!
Recent Work from Division 4
Technical session at the IUFRO WC 2024:
Our working groups arranged a technical session, T5.8 “Developments in complex remote sensing-assisted forest surveys to support monitoring and assessment of forest ecosystems,” which included three poster sessions and two oral sessions. Altogether, there were more than 40 participants.
There is a special issue arranged in connection to the session in the Silva Fennica journal:
Manuscript submission opened on July 1 and will close on December 31.
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.