Dear all,


Hope you are doing well. Please join us at the 2023 Joint Conference of Southern and Northeastern Mensurationists (SOMENS & NEMO) this fall! The conference will bring together people from various sectors to discuss and explore the latest advancements and opportunities in forest biometrics and measurements. It’s a great platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among industry, governmental agencies, organizations, and universities. Keynote speakers include distinguished biometricians: John Paul McTague and Greg Johnson. There will be a lot of exciting presentations. The date and location are given below.


When: October 08 - 10, 2023

Where: Knoxville, Tennessee (USA)


Early bird registration ends on September 8th! Submit your abstract today!

For more details, visit:   


We are looking forward to seeing you this fall in Tennessee!



Sheng-I Yang



Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Forest Biometrics

School of Natural Resources

University of Tennessee

427 Plant Biotechnology Building

2505 E.J. Chapman Drive

Knoxville, TN  37996-4563 USA