Dear colleagues:

We are writing to invite you to participate in the special edition of the Journal of Forest Business Research on forestry issues in Latin America, its challenges, opportunities, and trends. The list of topics is very extensive, and it seems to us that their work could make an important contribution to this special edition. In the following link, you will find the details:  

The Journal of Forest Business Research is a new journal, which was created with the aim of covering issues related to the sustainability of forest business with a novel approach.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments. 

Best regards,

Virginia Morales Olmos -
IUFRO deputy: group 4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America ( )

Vitor Hoeflich - IUFRO coordinator: group 4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America, and vice coordinator group 9.05.08 - Forest and natural resources policy and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean ( )

Dra. Virginia Morales Olmos
Profesor Adjunto  
PDU Departamento de Ciencias Económicas
CENUR Noreste - Universidad de la República
Tacuarembó, Uruguay
Tel.: 4633 34 85 int. 311