Branching out: the forest podcast - Season 2, Episode 1

Dear Reader of IUFRO News:

The new season of our podcast is out! In this season, Jose Bolaños together with various co-hosts, takes the audience through the world of IUFRO’s nine Divisions and their new leadership model, in which each Division now has 2 Co-Coordinators to improve geographical and gender diversity and balance their work.

The first episode of this new season features Division 1 - Silviculture, with its two new Co-Coordinators: Pil Sun Park from Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, and Teresa De Jesus Fidalgo Fonseca from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal. The guest host for this episode is Alexander Watson from the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) and a master's student in Tropical Silviculture and Forest Ecology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in Germany.

The podcast begins with an introduction, brings out some personal experiences, participation in the Division's work, current scientific findings, and upcoming projects and conferences. The two guests also debunk the misconception that silviculture is solely focused on increasing timber yield.

Get to know the two Co-Coordinators better, discover what excites them, and learn about one moment that was most formative in their career.

Stay tuned for more episodes, you can listen to Branching out wherever you listen to your podcasts, on our website, Spotify or Apple Podcasts, and do not forget to subscribe!




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