Hello from IUFRO Division 4!
After more than a year gap, we are publishing our quarterly newsletter again! I want to welcome Katie Donaldson, our new communications specialist, and thank
her for putting this newsletter together. She will be the primary contact for the newsletter moving forward.
We are approaching a new year and hopefully more opportunities to meet (virtually and in-person) to collaborate on Division 4 activities and research. We also will receive a lot more information about the
2024 World Congress in Stockholm, with the Call for Abstracts being released soon. We had a large number of session proposals from the Division and should be receiving word about these shortly. Beyond the World Congress,
a number of other webinars and meetings are scheduled for the new year. Please review the schedule below and participate if possible.
As always, please feel free to email me or your unit officers if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the newsletter, future meetings, or any other topic related
to IUFRO or Division 4.
Deputy Coordinator, 4.04.06
Current Position: Head of the Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity Programme at the Forest Sciences and Technology Centre of Catalonia
Research Interests: forest management, forest planning, development of forest ecosystem management models, and decision support systems
Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.02
Current Position: Assistant and specialist adviser, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Slovenia
Research Interests: ecosystem services management and optimization, stakeholder perspectives, forest policy, mixed methods research
Coordinator, 4.05.02
Current Position: Professor in Forest Economics, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU
Research Interests: Forest economics and finance, ecosystem services, environmental economics, marketing in forestry
Deputy Coordinator, 4.03.01
Current Position: Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
Research Interests: Forest resources, forest management, scenario analysis, forest inventory
Coordinator, 4.03.00
Current Position: Research Forester with the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Research, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon
Research Interests: spatial decision support for environmental analysis and planning related to forest management
Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.01
Current Position: Scientist at Thuenen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, Hamburg, Germany
Research Interests: economic accounts for forestry, model-based analyses of changed political and economic conditions on the forest industry
Coordinator, 4.02.06
Current Position: Researcher, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
Research Interests: statistical inferences applied to natural resource surveys, forest biometrics, remote sensing-assisted forest inventories
Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.05
Current Position: Docentship, “anthropology of environmental governance” at University of Oulu, Finland
Research Interests: science-policy-society interfaces, social innovations, land use in northern areas, qualitative scenarios, and participatory approaches under the broader theme
of environmental governance
Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.02
Current Position: Senior researcher, head of Department of Forest Economics, Forest Research Institute, University of Sopron, Hungary
Research Interests: forest economics and finance, ecosystem services; wild game management economics
Upcoming Division 4 Meetings
Recent Work from Division 4
Unit 04.05.00 held its conference
in Sept. for managerial forest economics and accounting as a base for decision making in a changing world. If you missed it, the
conference report is now available.
Submitted by Manuela Hirschmugl
Submitted by Maria Nijnik
Submitted by Vitor Hoeflich
IUFRO Research Group 4.05.00
celebrated its
40th anniversary in 2021 and received recognition for the milestone by the IUFRO president.
You can learn more about its history

Unit 4.05.05 received the IUFRO letter of appreciation for its organized special sessions on social innovation and adaptive responses to challenges and social innovation in mountain areas
to steer a sustainable governance of nature.
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.