Call for Papers

2nd North American Forest Mensurationists Conference


December 11-14, 2022, Portland, OR


The 2nd North American Forest Mensurationists Conference will take place in Portland OR on Dec 11-14, 2022. The event will bring together most of the scientists from Canada, Mexico and the USA interested in quantitative forestry The topics covered by the event range from traditional forest inventory to modern techniques based on data fusion, machine learning and remote sensing.


You are invited to submit an abstract of your work on

forestry advancements for presentation at the event. 


Submit your abstract




Bogdan Strimbu, PhD

Associate Professor of Forest Management
Oregon State University

College of Forestry    |   FERM Department

360 Peavy Forest Science Center

Corvallis OR  97331 USA

Tel: (541) 737-1604  |   F: 541.737.43



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