Dear Colleagues in Precision Forestry


This is more or less a final reminder for registration for the upcoming Precision Forestry Symposium,  to be held here in Stellenbosch ( just outside Cape Town), South Africa,   5-7 February, 2025.


We have a very interesting programme lined up, starting with a PhD workshop,  a day of commercial workshops,  and three days of presentations in the beautiful Winelands of the western Cape.  Keynote speakers include Div 3 co-coordinator,  Prof. Ola Lindroos,  a Precision Forestry expert from a large industrial plantation owner, Ms Miranda Wilson,  and the Director of School for Data Science and Computational learning here at Stellenbosch University,  Prof. Kanshu Rajaratnam.


Commercial workshops will include sessions with amongst others, Remsoft,  Microforest,  Softree (RoadEng) and Timbeter.


Please take a look at the website for more information on the programme and how to register:


Looking forward to meeting you in Stellenbosch in February !



Kind regards | Ngemibuliso emihle | Vriendelike groete


Bruce Talbot

Associate Professor

Head of Department:  Forest and Wood Product Science

Faculty of AgriSciences | Fakulteit AgriWetenskappe | IFakhalthi yeeNzululwazi zoLimo
Paul Sauer Building, room 1003, Bosman Street, Stellenbosch | South Africa

Chairperson: Southern African Institute of Forestry (SAIF)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1935-5429

T:  +27 21 808 3293 | Cell: +27 0677  961 382  E: |


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