2nd Call for Abstracts (and sorry for cross mailings)

Abstract deadline March 1st 2015 – Notification April 1st 2015


SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources

August 19-21, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden

Homepage: http://www.skogforsk.se/ssafr2015

Abstract submission: https://www.anpdm.com/public/run-survey.aspx?Id=41435A40794444504B7540&SessionId=E635581275898349651&Type=&PreviousPage=424750447640


The SSAFR symposia congregate researchers and practitioners in the area of Operations Research and Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. The symposia are held biannually since the 1980’s and have until now taken place in the Americas; for the first time now in Europe.

Objectives and themes

The aim is to have a representation of presentations and experts that covers this broad and expanding field. Topics of interest include: strategic, operational and tactical planning forest planning, fire and pests, spatial problems, hierarchical problems, forest operations, forest supply chain, multiple objectives, uncertainty, GIS and information technologies, algorithmic developments, exact, heuristic and metaheuristic methods as well as broad problem areas such as economics of sustainability, assessment of ecosystem services, environmental issues, wood for energy, and landscape planning. The following themes are identified for the conference (other may be organized on request, please get in touch with Scientific Committee chair):

Some important dates

Contact and questions



Professor Ljusk Ola Eriksson

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Forest Resource Management
Forest Planning
SE-901 83 UMEÅ
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd
Phone: +46 90 786 83 78

Fax: +46907868111
Ljusk.Ola.Eriksson@slu.se, www.slu.se/srh