Von: Johannes Breidenbach [mailto:johannes.breidenbach@nibio.no]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2019 12:22
An: div4@lists.iufro.org
Betreff: Regular registration ends: A century of national forest inventories conference, 19-23 May 2019, Sundvolden hotel, Norway
The deadline for the regular registration for the conference “A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions” is 28 February 2019.
Registration and more information: https://nibio.pameldingssystem.no/nfi100years
A preliminary program is available and can be downloaded here: https://nibio.pameldingssystem.no/nfi100years#/program
A flyer of the conference is attached to this mail. Please inform colleagues that may not be on this mailing list.
The Twitter account of the conference is @NFI100.
We hope to see you in Norway,
Johannes Breidenbach (in the name of the organizing committee)
Johannes Breidenbach Research professor, phd National Forest Inventory Forest and forest resources NIBIO, |
Twitter: @Jo_Breidenbach
Register here for the NFI100 confere:
Twitter: @NFI100
Make your own NFI estimates: