Von: Johannes Breidenbach [mailto:johannes.breidenbach@nibio.no]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2019 12:22
An: div4@lists.iufro.org
Betreff: Regular registration ends: A century of national forest inventories conference, 19-23 May 2019, Sundvolden hotel, Norway


The deadline for the regular registration for the conference “A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions” is 28 February 2019.


Registration and more information: https://nibio.pameldingssystem.no/nfi100years


A preliminary program is available and can be downloaded here: https://nibio.pameldingssystem.no/nfi100years#/program


A flyer of the conference is attached to this mail. Please inform colleagues that may not be on this mailing list.


The Twitter account of the conference is @NFI100.


We hope to see you in Norway,

Johannes Breidenbach (in the name of the organizing committee)




Johannes Breidenbach

Research professor, phd

National Forest Inventory

Forest and forest resources

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
P.O. Box 115, NO-1431 Ås, NORWAY
Office: H8, 251
E-mail: job@nibio.no


Twitter: @Jo_Breidenbach


Register here for the NFI100 confere:


Twitter: @NFI100


Make your own NFI estimates:
