Double Issue 5/6, 2019


IUFRO NEWS 5/6, 2019

Dear Reader of IUFRO News:

We are happy to present to you double issue 5/6 of IUFRO News 2019, volume 48. The newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/.

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Alexander Buck 
IUFRO Executive Director

XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019
Explore Brazil during a post-Congress tour:


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Kicking Off the Next Global Scientific Assessment on "Forests and Poverty"

A cross-sectoral, aligned and synergistic implementation of the SDGs needs to consider the role of forests and trees in poverty alleviation. As this requires reliable and synthesized scientific information, GFEP, the Global Forest Expert Panels initiative, has made "Forests and Poverty" the focus of its seventh assessment. More



IUFRO at UNFF-14: Continued Contributions at the Science-Policy Interface

As the major international policy platform for forest- and tree-related issues, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) held its 14th session from 6-10 May at UN Headquarters in New York, USA. IUFRO was well represented and contributed substantially to bringing scientific evidence to the attention of policy and decision-makers. More




Forest Education Needed in all Schools around the World

Educators need help on the "What" and "How" of Forests: This support can be supplied together with forest professionals and education start-ups. There is need to provide updated content and engaging methods of delivery to provide teachers with the tools to engage students at all levels. More



Forest Responses to Climate Change: Why African Forests Matter

"Act now" was the key message of this year's R20 Austrian Climate Summit on 28-29 May in Vienna. In addition to the main conference a series of breakout sessions was organized with in-depth panel discussions. One of these sessions focused on Forests under Climate Change – Knowledge Exchange between Austria and Africa. More



Forests for Public Health

Forests, urban forests, and green spaces play an important role in improving the health and wellbeing of people and should therefore be incorporated into public health systems and policies to promote mental and physical health. Read about the World Conference on "Forests for Public Health" on 8-11 May, 2019 in Athens, Greece. More



4th World Congress on Agroforestry

The motto of the Congress on May 20-23 in Montpellier, France, was "Strengthening links between science, society and policy". The event contributed to bridging the gap between agroforestry science and its practical implementation especially for food security, biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate change effects. More



Challenges and Opportunities for Updating Wood Identification

On May 20-22 the IAWA-IUFRO International Symposium on "Updating Wood Identification" took place in Beijing, China. It focused on recent advances in wood image analysis and database establishment, DNA barcoding techniques, chemical fingerprint techniques as well as policy implementation and combatting illegal logging. More



Harmonized Growth, Cleaner Environment and Sustainable Forests

The biennial conference of IUFRO RG 7.01.00 Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems was held in Nanning, China, on 13-17 May. New approaches were presented regarding the use of vegetation in urban environment to reduce the concentrations of air pollutants or the impacts of climate change on carbon sequestration, for example. More



Diseases of Forest Trees and their Increasing Impacts Globally

The joint meeting of the IUFRO Working Parties on Shoot, foliage and stem diseases and on Wilt diseases took place on 6-10 May in Figline Valdarno (Florence), Italy. The spectrum of diseases addressed by the two Working Parties has become quite diversified and, thus, the list of diseases addressed at the meeting was long. More



Happy Birthday!

IUFRO Honorary Member Heinz Schmutzenhofer, IUFRO's Secretary and then Executive Secretary between 1988 and 2003, celebrated his 80th birthday on 16 May 2019. The IUFRO Headquarters team was happy to congratulate him personally.




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IUFRO News Double Issue 5/6, 2019, published in late June 2019
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.

Available for download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/
Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org or visit https://www.iufro.org/ 

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